By the MCF statistics a growing interest, including from professional organizations of other countries can be indicated which is also an important message for members and supporters of the Mind Control Forum. For example, in January 63419 files were transmitted on the known server of this social organization; the daily average is 2349 which is much higher than a few months ago. Basically, the existence and operation of this satellite system is a more and more interesting or "question" at present. Experts usually work with the "probability" of a highly sophisticated satellite system, including in other countries...
However, it can also be highlighted that the presently employed media, political and economic controls will probably be changed sometime in a next stage of this development, after a satisfactory information of chosen medical experts of defence, intelligence, police and justice organizations, including in other countries. At present, relatively useful documents and information materials can only be found with the assistance of Internet. However, it should also be mentioned that , for example, there are also members of this experimental group whose nickname is "The Messengers" in China, former states of Russia and Yugoslavia which can not so easily be contacted on Internet. Their rights are usually protected by the Protection of Human Research Subjects Act of 1997 For example, many of these people would not like to recover their identities. Nevertheless, they should also be protected from an unethical interest of underinformed and recently nominated experts which would only extend these involuntary researches in their cases. However, they should also be protected from unexpected reactions of police and armed organizations and, generally, from violent members of the society. Nevertheless, their are also minority, including Jewish origin members of this experimental group who should also be protected.
Considering the strict selection methods, most of them are usually mentally and phisically healthy and honest members of the society who do not also like to speak about these researches. However, it can also be mentioned that their role was also related to the military and national securities of their nations. Basically, they are the best experts of these development at present; although, as Internet documents also illustrate it their knowledge is also influenced.
At present, most of them are on government benefits which unfair situation can for example be changed. However, sometimes their basic problems, for example studies, housing, travelling, social and economic activities, and, finally, their rights can also be assisted.
Jan 31, 1998