However, this type of problems are also related to a carefulness of the "controllers" at American and some other organizational units. For example, many of the "controlled" persons would immidiatelly contact the correct international organizations , if they are able to realise it that the solution of their problems are also depend on a positive attitude of other nations. From this point of view in particular a positive attitude of nuclear great powers would be important. Therefore, at present, usually the conspiracy theory is used in the cases of American victims as a type argument about a decadent and plutocratical society.
Nevertheless, it should also be highlighted that most of these people are also able to change their opinon by a correct argument of this development, that basically there was not another way before researchers and developers of the Mind Control system, in particular in the Cold War years. For example, intelligence reports of these years also mention it that Russia and many other countries did researches with chemical, psychological, electronic and other mind control methods. Nevertheless, while this system was not stronger than the nuclear weapons, it has not also to be published...!
However, it should also be highlighted that usually morally and ethically clear aspirations charatcerise these people who are usually highgrader military, security, medical and other scientific professionals.
Another problem is related to a lack of a clear conception and a timetable. For example, it is not also indifferent that which experts and which organizations can be informed first time? By a presently employed conception,for several reasons, nominations of psychologists and medical experts are important at internal security units of defence, intelligence, police, justice and than social security and other health organizations whose expected role or mission is the assistance of the introduction of this new system in the human history. Nevertheless, it is not also indifferent that which nations are informed first time. In conclusion, every other attempt of victims are not supported. Extraordinarily serious problems can also be generated by a thoughtless information of experts from some health organizations.
By the way, fantastic stories characterise these attempts which usually also support the conspiracy theory. For example, documents from German and Canadian members of the Mind Control Forum clearly illustrate this problem. In other cases, contacted medical experts look like similar to imbecible persons who do not also know basic terms of their professions. Basically, they are also controlled, usually, by information security reasons. Nevertheless, it is not also indifferent that how can the right experts be informed...?
In most of the cases, the people do not know that what is the reason of their unsuccessful attempts at universities, professional organizations or their business plans and new job applications. In most of the cases, their boss say an ununderstandable "No!" for their plans. Their unusual and common experience is that the doors became closed before them. However, the correct ansswer is usually different in the cases of different social groups and individuals.
For example, the Galaxy (the computer system of this defence agency) is also the largest database of the medical sciences and the criminal justice. Therefore, if there is any inconvenient record from the past, many doors will became closed. In other cases, usually there is another purpose with chosen professionals, public servants and others. Although, there are also elaborated ways of the individual solution of some problems; however, this unusual behaviour of some "doors" in our personal environment also support the conspiracy theory...
The psychology of this problem is known. For example, a few years ago frustrated youth developed Marcousian type of phylosophies. However, known personalities and political groups from Russia and Easter Europe are also a type of victims of such influences. For example, a few years ago political groups of Russia fought some secret conspiracy of freemasons; nevertheless, the Hungarian Churka's antisemtism is also directly related to such influences and so on. In a more extremic situation, this type of inluences are also able to develop a terrorism.
However, it should also be mentioned that, in some cases, there are also intentionally developed movements and political phylosophies. For example, such phylosophies about the Kuk Klux Klan or a white conspiracy are also political powers which can also assist the solution of several extraordinarily serious problems.
Finally, some cooperation is really needed in the solution of the appeared extraordinarily serious problems. However, its phylosophy is first of all the humansim of medical scientists which does not know inpartial and political influences in the solution of the represented, extraordinarily serious global problems...
Febr 6, 1998.