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Carlo Rota

photograph by Amy Grant, copyright 1999.
(to be used only with permission of copyright owner -- thanks, AG!)

Write to Carlo Rota at this address:
Carlo Rota c/o Noble Caplan Agency
1260 Yonge Street
Toronto, Ontario
M4T 1W6

(Tell him nance says hi!)

Carlo Rota is one of our favorite semi-regular actors on Nikita. His appearances always lend a touch of humor and sort of low-rent wanna-be class (if that makes sense) to what has become a dark and dreary show. Who can ever forget Michael tossing Mick out of the party limo? Or, Nikita snapping at him to shut up? :)

Anyway, it's fun to anticipate when he'll next show up to lighten up/annoy Section. I thought it was time to praise the man behind the macho man, and reveal a little bit about Carlo.

Carlo with my friend Jayne, October 1999.
Jayne generously used her autograph time to mention Mick's Pad and me -- thanks, Jayne!!
He's writing "give a kiss to Nancy"
(I'm Nancy!)

Born in England, and raised mostly in the Soho area of London, Carlo Rota has led a fascinating life, and his claim to fame lies in more than one area. His father -- a well-known chef -- and the family travelled the world, sampling and learning the culture and food of Asia, Europe, and the Caribbean, before moving to Toronto in the 1980s. There, Carlo and his father opened two popular restaurants in a city known for its love of food and its appreciation of varied culinary experiences. Carlo also worked as a Maitre'D at Joe Allen's and Orso's and was voted Best Maitre'D of 1987.

In the early '90s Carlo decided to branch out and indulge his appetite for acting. He trained in the profession and has found an array of roles to inhabit. Carlo (aka Mick Schtoppel in multiple Nikita guest appearances) has appeared in television and film productions, most notably on Traders and Black Harbour. He combines all of his life experience and both careers in his charming role as host of The Great Canadian Food Show on CBC Television.

a treasured little note from the man himself

A fabulous photo of Carlo Rota in October 1999
visiting with my old friend since early Nikita days -- Minuet (aka List-Goddess)

More about Carlo Rota

Internet Movie Database on Carlo Rota's career
Carlo at Screen Trade Canada
The Great Canadian Food Show

stay tuned, we'll have some more info soon --

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