This section is a little thin right now; I am gathering information to add to it.
If you'd like to post ideas or information,
There is a gas station right at the exit that leads from the Interstate to the site. Prices are unknown to me.
There are several stores in the Lumberton, so finding supplies near the site is relatively easy. But it is a bit of a
drive: Lumberton is about 25 miles from the exit from the Interstate that leads to the site. The site is about 5
miles from the exit, on a narrow, winding road with a posted speed limit of 25 mph. So the drive takes about 45
minutes one way.
Lumberton has all the types of stores that Ansteorrans are probably used to. There is at least one Wal-Mart, and
one K-Mart with a grocery section. They sit directly across the road from each other. To reach them, go north on
the Interstate and take the second Lumberton exit, then turn left and go about 1/2 mile.