A classic example of "punks jump up to get beat down." Luke Skywalker, after dropping out of his YTS scheme on Jedi techniques, appears to have smoked one too many rocks as he acquires the mistaken belief that he can bring it to Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith. Luke is evidently unaware that in both this film and "Star Wars", Lord Vader kills suckers just by getting pissed off with them. Luke soon discovers what its all about when during their first confrontation, after Luke thinks he's a bit nice with a few moves here and there, Vader thinks "This kid ain't ready yet," and chops Luke's good hand clean off just to let him know who's the MF boss. In the remastered "The Empire Strikes Back", a great opportunity was missed to have Darth Vader pointing and laughing, or saying "Give the man a hand" à la Clarence Botticker in Robocop. Still, a classic moment nonetheless.