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Top Ten Things to do in front of security cameras

10. While walking past, just do a little spin move, then carry on.
9. Put down your personalised director's chair, yell "cut" and complain animatedly to a passer-by that they aren't giving you any anger in their performance (don't worry, they soon will).
8. Set up your own security camera to keep an eye on the first one.
7. Do a "Yo!MTV Raps" by masking up all the brand names on your clothing.
6. Smile.
5. Tip-toe past in a flat cap, stripey sweater, and face mask while carrying a sack marked 'SWAG.'
4. Commit an offence. Have you ever seen the pictures from one of those things? Just wear non-distinctive clothes ;-) Besides, if someone can be attacked in the street and people walk by, what's someone at the end of a camera gonna do?
3. Draw a test card on a piece of card and tape it right in front of the lens.
2. Alternatively, tape a mirror to the lens for maximum BCF (Babylon Confusion Factor).
1. Get everyone in the area to do everything backwards to make the guards thing the camera is in some kind of time warp.

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