Butterflies, Moths and Flies


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Some kind of Skipper Butterfly?
June 1,2010
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Chlosyne Nycteis?
June 16,2010
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Giant Swallowtail
September 28,2010
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Something killed this butterfly...
April 26,2012
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Dainty Sulphur
June 2012
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Dainty Sulphur
June 2012


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Drain Fly
March 19,2010
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Indian Meal Moth
March 25,2010
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Yellowstriped Armyworm
(moth larva)
June 3,2010
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Yellowstriped Armyworm
(moth larva)
June 3,2010
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(found on Honeysuckle plant)
May 2013


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Pond Damselfly
May 27,2010
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Pond Damselfly
May 27,2010
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Pond Damselfly
Pretty blue!
June 5,2010


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Common Whitetail
July 19,2010
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Thornbush Dasher
July 10,2011


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Female Crane Fly
April 8,2010
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A female crane fly deposits her eggs in a potted plant...
May 6,2010
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Common House Fly?
April 10,2010
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Robber Fly
June 18,2010
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Robber Fly
June 18,2010


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? Moth
April 3,2010
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? Moth
May 2012
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Stinging Caterpillar
May 2013
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Stinging Caterpillar
May 2013

The butterfly, moth, and fly names featured were researched on various sites on the web. Some include:

Opler, Paul A., Kelly Lotts, and Thomas Naberhaus, coordinators. 2010. Butterflies and Moths of North America. Bozeman, MT: Big Sky Institute. www.butterfliesandmoths.org (Version 06012010)

Arthropod Museum (University of Arkansas)
Butterflies and Moths (Iowa State University)
The Crane Flies of Pennsylvania (iz.carnegiemnh.org)
Damselflies and Dragonflies (giffbeaton.com)
Butterflies (giffbeation.com)

This page last edited/updated: July 31,2013

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