Snow Days!

A White Christmas in Texas!

Christmas Eve:

Christmas Eve 2009 Christmas Eve 2009

Christmas Day:

Christmas Day 2009 Christmas Day 2009
Christmas Day 2009 Christmas Day 2009

The first white Christmas in 83 years!

February 2010

2010 2010 2010

Record-breaking snowfall in Texas (the most snow at one time in 30 years)!

2009 - 2010 Texas Winter season: The 2nd snowiest since record keeping started in 1899!

February 2011

February 1,2011 Firewheels in the sleet 2111 icicle 2311

Think this is all snow? Nope, it's mostly ice & sleet.

Christmas 2012

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Another white Christmas in Texas!

December 25,2012

November 2013


Freezing rain in November!

November 22,2013

December 2013

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2 - 3 inches of freezing rain and sleet! Roads frozen over, gate frozen in place...Record cold temperatures

December 6,2013

February 2014

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A nice dusting of snow! Despite temperatures in the 20s the snow continues to melt.

February 6,2014

March 2014

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On March 1st temperatures were near 80° F. By the early morning hours of March 2nd temperatures were in the 30s and dropping. Sleet arrived soon after.

March 2,2014

February 2015

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A large portion of the country received record snowfall in the 2014-2015 Winter Season.
But it took until late February for any of it to arrive here.

Late February 2015

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This page last edited/updated: March 4,2015