
Known Wildflowers:

thumb large
Yellow Dandelion
March 15,2010
thumb large
Dandelion seedhead
March 15,2010
thumb large
Birdeye Speedwell
March 15,2010
thumb large
Virginia Springbeauty
March 15,2010
thumb large
March 17,2010
thumb large
Redstem Stork's Bill
March 17,2010
thumb large
Tenpetal Thimbleweed
March 17,2010
thumb large
Tenpetal Thimbleweed
April 3,2010
thumb large
Tenpetal Thimbleweed with a purple tent!
March 17,2011
thumb large
Henbit Deadnettle
March 17,2010

thumb large
Henbit Deadnettle
February 21,2011
thumb large
Yellow Evening Primrose
April 7,2010
thumb large
April 13,2010
thumb large
April 15,2010
thumb large
April 20,2010
thumb large
So pretty!
April 26,2013
thumb large
Fendler's Desert Dandelion
April 20,2010
thumb large
Prairie Lily/Rain Lilly
July 2,2010

thumb large
Common Yellow Oxalis
March 28,2012
thumb large
Hedge Parsley
March 12,2013
thumb large
White Doll's Daisy?
October 20,2014

Unidentified Flowers:

thumb large
March 15,2010
thumb large
March 15,2010
thumb large
March 15,2010
thumb large
April 26,2010
thumb large
These wildflowers are very tiny.
March 28,2012
thumb large
This flower is pretty small also.
March 29,2013
thumb large
May 12,2013

The plant names featured were researched on various sites on the web, including:

USDA, NRCS. 2010. The PLANTS Database (http://plants.usda.gov, 20 April 2010). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.

Some of the other sites used for help identifying are:
Native Plants of South Texas (AgriLIFE RESEARCH Texas A&M System)
Wild About Texas Wildflowers
Oklahoma WildThings
The Seed Site (United Kingdom)

This page last edited/updated: November 14,2014

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