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Happy Valentines Day everyone!

The Importance of Love

Love is so important
We can have all the possessions in the world
but if we don't have someone to love
we have nothing at all

Love makes our emotions complete

Love is so important
It brings out the best in each of us
We learn from each other's lives and grow from our differences
We are two individuals
living our own lives
with each other as one
Love enlightens us

Love is so important
As a couple in love
we are stronger, more sensitive
more aware, more knowing
and more at peace
than we are individually
Love makes us better people

Love is so important
It gives understanding to all that we do
because we are able to share our ideas
explain our goals
express our frustrations what we say and do
Love makes it a lot easier
to achieve what we want in life

~ by Susan Polis Schutz ~


There is beauty in the forest
When the trees are green and fair,
There is beauty in the meadow
When wildflowers scent the air.
There is beauty in the sunlight
And the soft blue beams above.
Oh, the world is full of beauty
When the heart is full of love.

~ Author Unknown ~

The Many Meaning Of "Heart":

Have a heart.
To be compassionate or merciful.

Speaking from the heart.
Honestly expressing one's deepest feelings and beliefs.

Set one's heart on...
To wish for intensely, pursue with determination.

Take or lay to heart.
To consider seriously, think about.

From the bottom of one's heart
With complete sincerity.

Have one's heart in the right place.
To have good intentions.

Wear one's heart on one's sleeve.
To allow one's intimate feelings or personal affairs to be known to everyone.

By heart.
Knowing exactly, word for word.

In one's heart of hearts.
Deep within oneself.

Cross one's heart.
To maintain the truth of a statement, affirm one's integrity.

At heart.
Basically, in reality, fundamentally.

Take heart.
To regain courage or strength.

Heart and soul.
Fervently, completely, enthusiastically.

Lose one's heart.
To fall in love.

The above was from an issue of Family Circle.

Walk with me in love
Talk to me
about what you cannot say to others
Laugh with me
even when you feel silly
Cry with me
when you are most upset
Share with me
all the beautiful things in life
Fight with me
against all the ugly things in life
Create with me
dreams to follow
Have fun with me
in whatever we do
Work with me towards common goals
Dance with me
to the rhythm of our love
Walk with me throughout life
Let us hug each other
at every step in our journey
in love

~ Susan Polis Schutz ~

No matter how you choose to celebrate
or with whom you plan to celebrate with...
I hope your Valentine's Day is filled with much love and happiness!

Please try to remember those around you that have no one also,
like the widow next door, a single friend, etc...
Even just a show of friendship could make their day...
when they feel like they are being forgotten.

My Valentine's Areas:

Valentines Fun Facts
The History of Cupid
Valentines History
How To Say I Love You (In many languages)
Romance Tips
Love Potions, Charms & Spells

Other Valentine's Day Links (all ages):

Amanda Ashley/Madeline Baker Romance Novelist (Recommended Reading for sure)
Valentines Day Clip Art
Blue Moutain Greeting Cards
Loveland Remailing Program (send snail mail postmarked in Loveland)

Other Valentine's Day Links (adult):

Romantic Lingerie (adults only please)
Love & Dating Tip Of The Day
Send An Electronic Love Letter

Links To Other Areas Of My Site:

Angel Dustings
A Childs Angel
Pet Angels
Feel Good Stories
Motorcycle Mania
My Page
Brandi's Page
My Dogs Page
Harlee-Anna's Kitty Page
Fun Links
My Holiday Pages


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Updated February 8, 2001.