Austin, Texas Sci Fi/Horror/Fantasy Hobbyists - News
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Austin, Texas Sci Fi/Horror/Fantasy Hobbyists - News

Newsletter for the Austin, Texas Sci Fi/Horror/Fantasy Hobbyists

August 1, 1997

The first official "unofficial" meeting of a group of people interested in sci fi/horror/fantasy movies and models met at the home of Nic Tanguma in Austin, Texas. It was decided by the group that the first Friday of every month was fine for meeting, but it was preferred that the meeting time be moved from 7 pm to 8 pm to allow for a little more travel time for the out-of-town members to get to Austin. It was also agreed upon that it would be OK to meet at restaurants that were not too expensive since they generally ask that groups using their banquet rooms buy dinner.

It was decided that we would rotate turns on bringing movies for the group to watch. This way, even someone who has a "bad" favorite movie will have a chance to screen it for the group. However, no one should be offended if the group starts pulling an "MST" on the movie.

Members can offer to place flyers to "advertise" the group. However, new flyers need to be designed.

Another item the group thought would be a good plan is to have "Table Co-ops". That is, if someone had a table at a show or convention, they could let the rest of the group know if they wanted someone to share it with them and split the cost. Eventually, the group would like to run its own show similar to WonderFest in Louisville, KY.

The group also made a "want list" - i.e., each person listed a particular item they were looking for so others can let them know if they found one.

Wish List

  • Bill Jones - A Monsters in Motion Peter Cushing as Van Helsing model
  • Mike Jovicevic - A kit of the Nautilus from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea that doesn't look like a blob. Also, wants to know if their was a kit in 1979 of the STMP Enterprise that was about 3 feet long. If so, is one available?
  • Joe Ceballos - A Kyoto Biolante kit with the base
  • Vital Altoiz - Anything Dune!
  • Nic Tanguma - A Vincent Price autograph, especially with Price as the Abominable Dr. Phibes. Also, a copy of the movie Theater of Blood.

    The next meeting will be held Friday, September 5, at the Ryan's on Parmer Lane in Austin.

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    Copyright 1997 Paula Amnott