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Hey sup kool pplez here is a lil sumthin' 'bout me
First Name:
Last Name : Whomever im Married 2 (o';'o)
Ethnicity : Vietnamese
Hair&color: Shoulder length/reddish brown
Hobbies : "Surf that Net", Rave RAve raVe..Pool,gloW stix trix,Wiggin Music, and lastly RAVE !! ahhh the insanity =Þ
Interests : Rave, raving gears, wigg, and raving friends !! i LOVE THE SBCS, MWAHSS..wat would i do without ya !?!
Dislikes : Lil kiddos trying to act tough..hehe PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR GENERATION..GROW UP
Motto : Luv is made of lust, and if u dont agree..u must be a straight up V
Respects : People who's been there for me, I can't thank you enough !!
Luv : My guy-friends (wow i never would have thought guys could be so caring !!! sorry for calling ya jerks and assholes for the past 18 years) fellow SBCs, my friends from JVHS and my sweet cuzin Cindy
Hate : Only those who hate me >=\ (reasonable enuf right?)
Music : Wat else is there out there that'll top raving music? (2-times, better off alone, ATB's songs, & Special K mixes)

If u have any Qs or Comments..Email me..I'd b happIe to RePly

Dat's generally everything about me. Just to be more specific, I was Born in 81 =). Skewl would be mah daily routine. I usually hang out on weekends (wow, i sound like the rest of them huh?? lol..) Clubs that I used to hung out at was Rainbow(spotlite NOW !! daYam..why you gotta close...WHYYYY?????) and i've been too busy to visit Dolce&Freddo, i still go to Spy and Crystal or maybe Gotham city sometimes on Saturday. Sometimes when im stressed out i go get some flourballs/bubbletea at LOVE's. On weekdayz I would sit around with my studying buddies to do homework and drink Mocha at Starbucks. (o';'o)

Ne/wayz, getting out of yakking about skoo and that whole boring subject. I am now living in Houston (H-town), Texas. Hehe and NO!! it is not where cowboyz run around in is in fact a Party TOWN. For those of you who are from Cali, I just Wanna Greet u guyz w/ True luv since I used to be a Californian mahself. OC (part of L.A)was where I stayed and I gotta admit, that city was the BoMb !~~!!. I've planned to come back someday and gather all mah old friends for some ice cream. *sigh* da old dayz..*OKAY snap out of it Mah-shell*. For WEEKDAYZ...I sit around and watch the Simpsons...and HELLA YEH...MAH BABY ==>Southpark..!! Aren't they the cutest thing?? U mite not believe this..but once i got soo bored and "accidently" tuned onto "All my children" (the soap) and I am now somewhat addicted ;). OK ..enuf about me, it's time for U to reveal yerself..OH YEH..BETTA SIGN MY GUEST BOOK oopps..what I meant was "PLLLEEESEE..IM BEGGIN U..FOR DA SAKE OF THE WORLD"(ok kinda over exaggerated there) How's this "It'll b so great if u could leave me yer tracks so I can trace mah way to yer kingdom and thank you for the precious time you've spent looking thru this long ol novel!!"..*waving* very very very glad u stopped by..and best wishes to u in the future...keep in touch!!

Great friends who stuck by me through out the years:
the love of my life who's no longer here with me (Bao Pham)
to my bestest buddie who i never got to see anymore(John (Co')
the best guy that i've ever gotten to know (Vinh Nguyen)
my closest and sweetest friend (Tony Le)
my big brother (Hung) miss you anh hai
my sweetpie who is now in Toronto (Markie G.)
the group that i proudly claim as my click lol...the SBCs
Cindy Luu ... my bomb-aSS cuz, mWahs miss ya lots !!
..i just have to say i wouldn't have made it thru w/out u guyz..thanx so much for being there *DaYam..feels like I've won the grammys*.. *biggest hugs and kisses to all of u guyz*. I miss the JV krew..(Especially Baby Kookie).*tears* *I know you can hear me Koookie..soo imma tell you now, if you don't come up here and see mee, Imma tell "virus" to come up there and stalk yer aSs and do the chicken dance on yer b-day.. hahaha lol*. OkEy..welp..I really hope those kodak moments lasted like our friendship! Special Msg. to my Ex.."You're alwayz in my heart baby-boo"

My ICQ # : 13895680
My AOL IM sn : Puppie900
If ur a member of Asian Ave: Lonelypup

Here is a lil dedication to broken hearted Exs..
If you don't feel like gettin' all mushy at this hour..scroll on down pass the text area

I’m practically confusing myself again. Boo, where are you? If you could only miss me as much as I missed you. If you could only guessed how many times I’ve soaked my pillow with tears. I don’t know what to do anymore, feels like I have tried everything to get you out of my head. It tore me up inside when I imagine you and her so happily in love, just like when WE first fell in love Boo. I wished for things to be the same, I hoped and prayed, yet knowing too sure that it wasn’t going to happen. Is this really the end of the two of us ?

It came as a surprise to me that I can still feel you, and hear your voice. These images of you are still so vivid, they’re still alive. How much longer will I have to wait till it goes away, days, weeks or years ? But no, no...I wouldn’t want that to happen. Then you’ll forget about me too.. which I’m guessing you already did. I tell everyone I’m basically doing fine, when half of me died too long ago. I just can’t find a substitute for you, 2, 3, 4, 7 guys I’ve talked to, just can’t replace you, can’t fill up that empty feeling I'm experiencing. You were that “everything” I’ve always dreamed of. I found you, then again, I lost you. Maybe we weren’t meant to be, but I was so positive that we were that moment Boo, that moment when I fell madly in love with you. When I thought you meant so much more than the world to me. When I thought that the whole sky would come tumbling down if I wake up one morning knowing I don’t have you anymore. It’s funny how I finally realized I’ve lost someone so great and wonderful. Something once belonged to me. Boo, if only you understand how hard I’ve tried to face reality. How hard it is to live through a day without you. Sometimes I wished we never met so it would save me all the tears. But if so my life would have become so dull and so...*pause* not meaningful. You were my love, my hopes, my bestfriend. Only I knew how depressed I became that second you refused to look my way. When you denied loving me anymore, denied that you’ve once asked to have your entire life spent loving me. I wish I could believe the words and promises you’ve said and made, but right now it seems like more of a fantasy of mine. Why did you have to let it show when you lost your love for me? You left me sitting all alone in the world knowing the person I needed most had neglected me. Boo, I wish you knew the hell I went through each day hoping I’d accept what had happened. That I’ve lost my first love, the one I claimed I cared so much about. It’s been months, and I can still drown in my own tears in an immediate second. Perhaps seeing you another hour would make me carry a grin for another week, but it might also allow me to sob for a few more months. I don’t’ know how many more pages it will take for me to tell the world how much I loved and missed you, but even if the sky was my paper and the ocean water was my ink, I’d still won’t have enough room to describe the love I once had, and still have for you. I’m not too sure if these words have the ability to express my feelings towards you, but that'll have to do for now... since I’m only human.

Ahhhh this is also depressing !!

Tears, tears, rolling down my cheeks
It whispers “I was made of sorrow”
The moment u hung up,
Distress proceed in a flash
The truth reveals, it was the end..
The end of our passion..
Of the joy appearing on my face when you’re nearby
Of mincing steps along the breezy seashores
And moving rhythmically to romantic luv songs on the dance floor
My sweet, what had just happened??
Was it me?
Was it too much, of comfort and affection?

The usual morning attractions outside my windows
Has now faded its colors
My emotions became a bundle of mixed feelings
Just yesterday we were leaping hand in hand, down on Lover’s Lane
Now we’re sitting desolately at two far corners of the world
My soul cried, for it was injured
My heart weeps, as it loses its beloved one
How will I ever stitch up these invisible wounds?

I spent the afternoon lost in memories
Fill with confusion, I slowly unzipped my vulnerbility
I felt like being trapped inside my own head
My heart dies away every second, as tears washes away my life

My pain came charging in like thousands of knives
I swiftly fainted, but still standing
My adoration for you was too much to let go
So I kept it to myself, as the dreary days carried forward

It might be that cupid whom made his error
The one who shot his blind arrows causing us to bind
He, the one who had tied the wrong luv-knot around our ankles
And now it abruptly detaches leaving results of painful heartaches

Now I’m empty handed
I can’t love, but i’ll learn again...and...
Even if oneday this uneasiness exits itself
You will forever remain in this breakable heart of mine.

By..Michelle (yes mee)

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