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Hmm , let me tell ya something about me...

Personal quote: Don't know, do ya? It's a mystery, ain't it?
"Time is the only thing keeping everything from happening at once."

My name is David. I live in Ft. Hood, Texas and yes I am in the military.
Oh I guess I love everything pretty much. Movies, Music, most Outdoor
activities. Nothing I don't or can't do I would say. Being in the service
you learn to do alot more than you would normally, that's for sure.

Let's see... I have 2 Brothers.. Adam(15, and) Ted(22). One Sister...
Julie(24), LOL and a Brother-in-law Joe. Oh my family isn't here in
Texas... nope left them all in Ohio where I was born and raised.
Would be nice tho to have family around... oh well ya gotta do what
ya gotta do.

Hey did ya know I love Country and Classical Music? LOL Well, you do now.
I would have to say that George Strait is my favorite male performer.
Now if ya ask me what group? That has to be Alabama. There is
no other group through the ages who can out stand or out last them.
Now about Classical.. Hmmmm love Motzart. That's my favorite composer.
Ya gotta love him.

Pets? None right now, I can't keep any here with me, but I had a cat
(Callie) which I left at my parents, altho she passed away a year ago.
I wouldn't mind owning a Panther. Gorgeous animal. Sleek, fast, and
deadly. Just like me if your the enemy.. LOL.

Well... since I can't have family here... Friends are the next best
thing. God knows I got tons of em here and on the net. Sometimes tho
it would be nice to get us all together for say... a "Party"????
Hahahahaaa... oh yes now I can see that happening. I did hope it
would happen next summer/fall... well you all decide and let me know.
Already shinning my "Bells" for the trip. LOL

Some of my friends include...( and if I leave someone out.. mail me..LOL )

Nikki Smith, Melissa Simmons, April Marr, Melanie Sparks, Jo Pruitte
Mary Garza, Latany Hayner, Becky Gardner, Jayson Willison, Andy Mullins
Chris Manley, Tonya Davis, Patrick Mahoney, Lisa Konst, Angela Konst
Crystal White, Angel White

See told ya there were alot of em. Well bare with me here, and as soon
as I get the time you can find out more about me. Deal? Ok see ya soon.
Take care and God Bless... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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