Past Shows Your Lame Ass Missed!

September 25, 1998

The Mausoleum - Houston, Texas with Shooak, Pretty Face John, and The Ballistics

Our first show as Jesus Chrysler. We didn't go on until 1 a.m., so some of our friends had to leave, but we still had a pretty packed house that night. We started off kind of weak, but we started to gel a little better as the show progressed. The crowd loved us, and more importantly, the club loved us. The bartender/owner(?) Raul even signed our mailing list! Things went crazy, as could be expected. Chris used a litle too much "Gorilla Snot" on his hands, and thus ripped them wide open. Really nasty. He also couldn't hear what was going on because the club doesn't have any monitors. This made it hard for him to keep up with the rest of the band, but he still managed to somehow pull it off.

October 2, 1998

Fitzgerald's - Houston, Texas with Gone Blind, Hollister Fracus, Halo, and Throe

This time we went on first, which meant we went on at 8:30. This was way too early for our friends to make it out, so we ended up playing in front of about a handful of our closest friends and biggest fans. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if the sound guy wasn't such an asshole. He refused to run anybody through the monitors, and he spent most of the evening sitting at the bar tossing back beer after beer. It got so bad that the singer from Hollister Fracus almost beat the jerk up. Despite all of the bull-shit, we sounded pretty good and the booking guy Robbie Cool said that we weren't bad. (That is a huge compliment coming from him)

October 17, 1998

Mary Janes's - Houston, Texas with Hr and Zbogum

We barely made it to this show. My car wouldn't start, and I was supposed to pick up Jon. After a while, Chris picked me up, and we sent Russell to go get Jon. This was another 1 a.m. show, so not many people stuck around. It also didn't help that the club was 21 and up. We had some of our friends turned away at the door. When it came time, we got up there and jammed the joint. Too bad no one heard us.

October 23, 1998

The Mausoleum - Houston, Texas with Green Crown and the Ken Valentino Band

This was our Jesus Chrysler Unplugged show! The two bands that we played with were both acoustic, so we figured "Why not?" Johan jammed with his acoustic guitar, and Russell played his upright bass (with a bow sometimes). We sounded surprisingly good considering how much practice we had for this show. We couldn't do all of our songs acoustic, so we let Rotting Fish end out the show. My favorite part of the whole show was when Raul of the Mausoleum started banging on a metal bowl on the stage. I only wish we had a video camera.

October 25, 1998

The Village Idiot Art Shop - Houston, Texas with Goatman, Indestructable Huxtables, Dots, and Animosity

Now I can say we have played on a sidewalk. Don't know what else I can say about this show except that we sounded better then ever, and I had fun yelling at the Yuppies that drove by in their convertibles. It also kinda sucked to have a car alarm going off the ENTIRE time RIGHT across the street from us, but hey...

December 10th, 1998

The Oven - Houston, Texas with Goatman

The Oven is cool because it has Pizza. It was a good show and Jon opened up one our songs with a Korn guitar riff that was pretty cool. Richard, the guitarist from 6 West guest appeared and played the ultra-complicated guitar riff on the our Rap song "I Glow In The Dark". Overall a pretty cool show.

February 13th, 1999

Fitzgeralds (downstairs) - Houston, Texas with After Hours Groove Band

This show was kinda at the last minute. Me, Jon, and Zipp were up at Fitzgeralds, so we decided to do a show. We used the After Hours Groove Band's instruments. It kinda sucked, but it was fun. Our drummer wasn't there so the After Hours Groove Band's drummer played with us.

March 6th, 1999

The Oven - Houston, Texas with After Hours Groove Band, THROE, and No Preservatives


THROE rocked out and had a CD release party with a butt load of people there to see them. As usual most of the crowd left after the band they came to see play was done. Our show went pretty good. We didn't have a huge audience but it was a good size. We played even some our more retarded songs that we thought were too dumb to play live. Zipp made a big spray painted poster that said in big letters FUCK JESUS CHRYSLER! He stapled it to the wall on the stage. We were surprised that some people actually saw our name in the newspaper and came to see us. They kept yelling "ya'll rock!" and "don't break up!" Oh well, as the saying goes, all good things come to an end (take ShitSeed for an example...). It was a load of fun and I (Russell) can never really say in words how cool it was of Zipp to let him play in a band that actually played places besides garages. But it will all be okay, and all the thousands of faithful Jesus Chrysler fans out there (you know who you are) can look foward to more rock n' roll from Zipp, Russell, Johan, and Chris in future bands! Yee-Haw!

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