Past Shows of STYRAMEX

FRIDAY OCT. 8th 1999 @ The OVEN, Houston, TX with Skag and Raw Johnson

This was our first show as STYRAMEX. The opening bands were Skag, a punk rock group, they jammed pretty good, and Raw Johnson, who were REALLY good. A lesson learned: never get opening bands that are WAY better than you are! Our show went okay, afterwards we listened to the tape on the Lavender Love Machine. At the end of our set a guy from the audience (i think he is in Pretty Face John) came up and busted a mad flow! It sounded pretty rockin'!

SUNDAY OCT. 24th, 1999 @ Bellaire Civic Center, Bellaire, TX

Our second show as STYRAMEX was performed outside to a small group of people (Johan's girlfriend, Beth, and Johan's Dad, plus some random passerby's) in a white gazeebo near a pool and a playground at Bellaire Civic Center. The show went well, and was recorded on the Lavender Love Machine as usual. People gave us some odd looks such as "what the hell are they playing?" when we jammed our more eclectic tunes. We omitted playing songs with naughty language because of children playing on the playground and riding bikes. We got invited to play at some high school kareoke thing. We got tha hook up!

FRIDAY, March 3rd, 2000 @ Bellaire Civic Center, Bellaire, TX

About 100 high school kids showed up all ready to see their FAVORITE BAND OF ALL TIME play! They were chanting "Styramex!!! Styramex!!!". Finally we got on stage and dazzled them with our super human playing skills! The mosh pit was rough and three kids got killed! But it was ok, because they died in sheer utter pleasure because they were One with The Music of The Great STYRAMEX!!!

All the crap up above is not true at all. This is what really happened: I am sorry to say, this was the WORST experience Styramex has ever endured. Supposedly we were to be playing for a bunch of high school kids at Bellaire Civic Center. Unfortuneately NO ONE SHOWED UP! It was SO AMAZINGLY disapointing. Oh well, Styramex will now take about a month's break because, B.M.C., our drummer is in the process of moving. He is now down in Brownsville, TX saving up money to rent a new apartment because of the 'incident' that occured in his previous one. Oh well, sometimes stuff doesn't work out the way you planned.