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It has been my pleasure to participate in several 
secret sister programs through out the web.
This is a fantastic way to meet and make new friends.

Sometimes I get to spoil someone and other times I'm the one being spoiled.
Either way it's a lot of fun.

I made this site so I can share all the wonderful gifts I have received.
There are also links to pages that have made for me by others. 
I'd like to invite you to visit these pages so you can view the talent that is available on the web.

Thank You

Mary Bear


These are gifts I received from Lady Patsy
while we were members of Inner Dreams.
I've resized some of the graphics so as to cut down on load time
Lady Patsy sent me these 4 angels after she reveal her identity.
She also sent me the Site Fight's Spirit Flower Below.
  I can't wait to see what the flower looks like.


The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!



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©2000 BY MARY D