In my spare time I like to get on the Proposition 209 debate bulletin board and yell at the liberals who think their opinions actually count for something. Lately they have been bitching excesively about minorities not getting the same education as whites, and they especiallylike to point out that blacks are not getting into as many good colleges as whites. This was all based on some study apparently done in California that determined that black enrollment in state schools was down. This is how it always is. A report or study shows minorities are not doing well and faster than you can say, "Get Jesse Jackson on the line," some group is moaning about discrimination. Funny, when I heard that black enrollment was down, my initial thought was this, “Oh, they must have raised the requirements to get in.” More
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Just a couple of weeks ago Texas state legislation passed a law that anyone under 18 caught with cigarettes will have their drivers licences taken away, have to perform so many hours of community service and pay a fine of something like $250. In addition, all billboard advertising for cigarettes must be taken down within the next 6 months. Now, I hate smokers as much as the next normal person, but the cigerette industry is one of the only real profitable industries | in this country anymore. We used to have the automotive industry years ago, but we fucked that up really good and let the Japanese take over. Then for about 5 minutes we had a grip on the electronics industry until we allowed Japan to molest us there too. I think we should let all the teens smoke that want to. They will soon be adults, and it’s harder to get adults hooked than it is teens. These kids know what they’re doing. Thay know all of the dangers. More |
Grab Your Ankles!
I hate children. I despise children. In fifty years, I am going to be the old fart that chases kids off his lawn with a yard stick in hand. I am going to be the old bastard that casts the deciding vote against the school budget. I am going to be the old jerk that calls the police if the kids are playing outside past 6PM. Now, what does this have to do with politics? I'll tell ya. I think there should be laws prohibiting children from certain places. I like going to out on weekends. I like to go to the mall on Saturday afternoon and just walking around. However, it's hard to get through the damn food court when Welfare Wilma refuses to control her brood of hellspawns. These brats run amuck. They throw their food, they scream, they run around the restaurant area, etc... I walk into Grapvine Mills Mall and there are children everywhere, kicking benches, dropping food over the floor, and yelling at the top of their little high pitched lungs. The mothers did absolutely nothing about it. Didn't they ever hear of McDonald's? That's where you take kids. Put 'em on the slides and get 'em a happy meal. Of course, this phenomenon is not unique to places like Grapevine Mills, or mothers like Wilma. I've been to upscale establishments where the same thing happens. Middle-Class Midge is with her husband, Middle-Class Mitch and their bawling baby, Middle-Class Malefic Mary. It's terrible. More
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Criminal Rights But What About My Rights?
My struggle to purify America of stupidity is here. My proposal to build this nation back to greatness is all outlined here. Imagine this, I am now the President of the United States of America, and it’s my first day in the oval office. Since I was running against Jesse Jackson, I won the election by a land slide. So now, it’s time to do something presidential. I call to my new intern, Candy, to come in and take dictation...wait, that’s a story for another time. Let me get on to the diplomatic end of the presidency. My first official act as President of the United States would be to take over Cuba. We will enslave the Cuban population to make cigars for America. Now, we will take over Canada, forcing the french speaking Canadians to only speak English. Wait, it gets even better . . . More |
Though it may be Trite
BigCynic On-Line is a production of NoBigWords Inc.1997