Welcome to mA hOmPejH
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Welcome to mA hOmPejH!!

Updated November 15, 1997

Assalamu alaikum! Peace be upon you! Howdie!

How are you? Halo, apa kabar? Nesil sin? Kya hal hei? Keif haluk(a/i)?

Welcome to my homepage! My name is Ando. Enjoy the tour!

Things that are closely related to me

Click here to see a picture of moi. Don't drool!

Object of desire.

Romance. Kids, cover your eyes!

Some Kewl Links

Free and easy homepage at Angelfire. Really.
Tasha's homepage. She introduced me to Angelfire.
All about country :)
Texas A & M University. It's a school.
Zaheer (Zah), Pete Sampras wannabe.
Free icons for your page.
Huma's Hompage with tons of Islamic links. ( I mean TONS! )
Golnaz's Homepage.
Suzan/Cran's hombage.

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Email: a0l2703@unix.tamu.edu