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(AOL_Host) Welcome, HANSON!!!!!

(Mmmbop) Zac: Hey guys! This is Zac! Thanks for coming to the chat!
(Mmmbop) Taylor: Hello everybody!!! :D This is Taylor! How are you gus doing?!
(Mmmbop) Isaac: Hello everybody out there. Thank you guys for coming to the chat.
(Mmmbop) We'll be talking to you for a little bit and hope that you enjoy youselves!
(AOL_Host) We are very glad to have you all here... let's start out on questions right away...
(AOL_Host) Before we get started guys, let's open with a couple of standard questions.
(AOL_Host) Is there an address where your fans can write to get pictures?
(Mmmbop) They can write the Hanson Fan Club at:
(Mmmbop) PO Box 703136, Tulsa, OK 74170
(AOL_Host) Is there a place, either on the Web or an address that your fans could visit/write to find out your tour dates and cities?
(Mmmbop) Absolutely!
(AOL_Host) Thanks, Guys... here we go, now
(AOL_Host) What are you doing for Thanksgiving? I heard you were going to be in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. If so, are you going to sing any songs fromthe "Snowed In" album?
(Mmmbop) Issac: We were asked to be but we had a scheduling conflict and won't be there. But
(Mmmbop) Taylor: But we will be having at 8:30 EST on November 28, the day after, on ABC a special performing Christmas songs.
(Mmmbop) There will be other songs too as well
(Mmmbop) Zac: We'll be doing Christmas song at 9:00 pm EST December 19th withPresident Clinton and his family on NBC.
(AOL_Host) Just curious, what groups do you like to listen to? How have they influenced your music?
(Mmmbop) Isaac: Aerosmith, Counting Crows and Spin Doctors.
(Mmmbop) Taylor: Jewel
(Mmmbop) Zac: Boys to Men, En Vogue
(Mmmbop) (Boyz II Men)
(Mmmbop) Isaac: In sutle ways. We like listening and they get us excited about doing music.
(Mmmbop) The music that most influenced them as performers and song writers was early rock and roll and R&B.
(Mmmbop) No. Tulsa is home! :D
(AOL_Host) Will the 'Tulsa, Tokyo and The Middle of Nowhere' video include old footage from Mayfest or any other shows from a while back? Love and Peace Always, jonna isaac
(Mmmbop) Yes. There will be early clips from free time and including "Hanson does Stupid Stuff on Video!"
(AOL_Host) Well, gee... in that vein, then...
(AOL_Host) hi hanson! it's megan and meredith here! we'll be hseeing you on sunday at the y-100 wingding! But here's 2 questions... have you ever made a funny home video withyour camera isac, and when you guys went trick-or-treating, what was your favorite costume?
(Mmmbop) Isaac: I made a funny home video including one in the video (Tulsa, Tokyo and the Middle of Nowhere) called "What The Hansons Did Last THanksgiving" shot last thanksgiving Day.
(Mmmbop) Isaac: Nothing sticks out. We've done lots of fun things at Halloween.
(AOL_Host) Are you going to release "a Minute Without You" as a single?
(Mmmbop) Maybe. It's up to the label a lot of times.
(Mmmbop) The next single went out on sale today... "I Will Come to You" with an unreleased track entitled "Cried" and it's on sale today! We hope you all like it!
(Mmmbop) And no decision has been made on a single after that. Maybe "Man from Milwaukee."
(Mmmbop) Zac: What do YOU think the next one should be? Let us know at our web site!
(AOL_Host) I tried to get one for my son, and they were already sold out. Looks like a hit!
(AOL_Host) How long have you been Homeschooled?
(Mmmbop) GREAT!!! :D
(Mmmbop) We've done some school, but very little. We've mostly been home schooled. We like "Self-directed education"
(AOL_Host) Hey guys! My name is Lindsay! I just wanted to say keep up the good work and wanted to ask what the name of the OFFICIAL Hanson biography is and what the cover looks like.
(Mmmbop) Isaac: I'll get to the question, just a quick comment!
(Mmmbop) Brooke Shields is right next door! I just got to meet her! WOW! :D
(Mmmbop) The cover is a picture of the 3 of us from one of our photo sessions
(Mmmbop) The title is Hanson: The Official Book . It's big, 8.5" x 11" in size.
(Mmmbop) For the record, we have nothing to do with the other books on the market. They never talked to us, and some of the information is incorrect. One of our best friends wrote this one for us and we edited it.
(Mmmbop) Sorry to tell you... You WON'T be able to to find out what colour underwear we wear! ;)
(AOL_Host) So, the Official book, is the OFFICIAL book. Thanks, Isaac.
(AOL_Host) Ike, Tay and Zac: Hey guys!! Was the Toronto show really the loudest the girls have gotten? And what happened at the Chicago show? You guys seemed to just stop during "Thinking Of You". Well, we Love You!! Can't wait to see you in Pittsburgh next week!!!
(Mmmbop) According to the sound meter at the Toronto show.. yeah. it was the loudest we ever experienced.
(Mmmbop) We were at 140 decibles and the loudest in the Guiness book is 126 by a Who concert.
(AOL_Host) What are some of your favourite things to do with your family while not performing?
(Mmmbop) As for the Chicago show, there were sound problems.
(Mmmbop) We didn't stop we just didn't get through the sound system. Then it came back on.
(AOL_Host) Sorry, I sent that last question a bit early
(Mmmbop) of our studio. There's actually scenes of that wall in the video.
(Mmmbop) 8ball, laser quest, motorcycles, dirt bikes, we spend a lot of time painting the wall of our studio. There's scenes of THAT in the video.
(AOL_Host) What is it that fans do to annoy you?
(Mmmbop) We LOVE the fans, they don't annoy us but sometimes they scream really, REALLY loud.
(Mmmbop) The only times that the screaming bothers us is when we're trying to play.
(Mmmbop) Zac: Sometimes we can't hear ourselves think.
(AOL_Host) Zac, Tay and Isaac... tell us a little about your Christmas album. Will some of the "old standards" be there?
(Mmmbop) The album is called Snowed In. It's co-produced by Hanson and Mark Hudson who co-wrote "Where's the Love." It was recorded during October outside London in the country. We had a great time recording it.
(Mmmbop) We hope you like it.
(Mmmbop) It's old R&B christmas songs and some new ones we wrote in England. And a medley of sacred Christmas carols.
(AOL_Host) Is it true your mother is going to have a baby soon?
(Mmmbop) Yes, she is. She's going to have a baby atthe beginning of the new year.
(Mmmbop) It will be Hanson #7
(AOL_Host) Congratulations Mrs. Hanson!
(AOL_Host) Everyone hold on, Hanson has gotten temporarily disconnected.
(AOL_Host) While we're waiting, just a small reminder that "I Will Come to You" is in stores today!
(AOL_Host) Get your copy and hear the never-released single "Cried!"
(AOL_Host) Also, next week, "Tulsa, Tokyo and the Middle of Nowhere" is going to be in stores!
(AOL_Host) Be sure to pick up a copy. They won't last long!
(AOL_Host) It's an hour and a half of PURE HANSON!
(AOL_Host) Watch the guys travel the globe as they spread their music everywhere!
(Axe) .. While we're waiting, for those of you who want to ask HANSON a question, keep your eyes peeled at - We will have a Chat with the band RIGHT HERE sometime before Christmas!
(AOL_Host) A lot of the video was shot by Hanson themselves, showing some candid and funny shots of the guys just being themselves!
(AOL_Host) Remember to get your OFFICIAL Hanson T-Shirts, Calenders and Posters! Click on 'Merchandise' from Hanson's OFFICIAL Web Site!
(AOL_Host) While we're waiging, let's all put MMMBop into our stereos and ROCK this place!
(Axe) Just a little note for those of you here.... You're among a very lucky group. Over 30,000 people have attempted to join the chat since 9pm EST!
(Axe) Please stand by until Hanson rejoins America Online's Chat - They are expieriencing Technical Difficulties.
(AOL_Host) Can't wait for "Snowed In" to hit the stores?
(Axe) Hanson returns!
(AOL_Host) Check out the web site and download clips... AFTER the chat!
(AOL_Host) We welcome back Hanson!
(AOL_Host) Welcome back, Guys!
(AOL_Host) Let's take a couple of more questions before you have to go?
(AOL_Host) Hey you guys kick! I was wondering if you listen to any ska and if you like to hacky sack. Thanks a lot.
(AOL_Host) We can ask only one or two more questions and then we have to get back to the taping of the ABC Special! :)
(Mmmbop) Everyone: Definately learning hacky-sack and we love the Mighty Mighty Bosstones...
(AOL_Host) Last one tonight...
(AOL_Host) "I just got the Middle of Nowhere CD. It's great! How much time a day do you spend working on your music?"
(Mmmbop) We only have time for this last one...
(Mmmbop) Great question... Except for school, music is our number one priority.
(Mmmbop) oh, hey, one more question!
(Mmmbop) We are walking down the hal....
(AOL_Host) Since you sang at the World Series, I would like to know if you like baseball and if so, what your favourite teams... Love Amber...
(AOL_Host) Oh, the didn'thave a chance to answer. The TV people probably pulled them off and down the hall!
(AOL_Host) Thanks so much for being here and talking with us tonight, Zac, Tay and Isaac! Come back soon!
(Axe) Thanks for coming everyone!
(Axe) Tay, Ike & Zac enjoyed talking to all of you...
(Axe) Remember, HANSON's new single, "I will come to you" was released today!
(Axe) It includes a never before releases single, called "Cried"
(Axe) RUN, don't walk, to your nearest record store and pick up a copy now!
(Axe) Also, HANSON's new Video, "Tulsa, Tokyo & The Middle of Nowhere" is going to be released next Week Tuesday!
(Axe) So grab a copy!
(Axe) One last note - Keep your eyes peeled at - HANSON's OFFICAL Web Site - We will be announcing another LIVE Chat with the band right here on hansonline sometime before Christmas.
(Axe) Again, thanks for coming, and enjoy your night.
(Mmmbop) Sorry about that folks!!
(AOL_Host) Wow! You're back! Super!
(Axe) Well, what do you know. An Encore.
(Axe) Take it away, host.
(AOL_Host) Here's a strange one from some serious fans!
(AOL_Host) Hi! Our names are Kristin and Sara and we want to say "Thanks" for making such great music that we can really relate to. We wanted to know if you could be any animal, and this applies to all, what animals would you be? We know it's odd but we want to know.
(Mmmbop) And no more questions...
(Mmmbop) We are about to run to the ABC Special!!
(Mmmbop) We are literally walking down the hall to do the acoustic segment of the show!!
(Mmmbop) I hope you all catchi it!
(Mmmbop) Thank you for coming!!
(Mmmbop) We had a blast!
(Mmmbop) Thanks again!!
(AOL_Host) We are glad that you made it back.. and you are welcome anytime! Thanks for being here!
(AOL_Host) We all had a great time.
(Mmmbop) Thank YOU all!
(AOL_Host) A SPECIAL thanks to the audience, for the GREAT questions!
(AOL_Host) Thanks to Zac, Ike and Tay for spending time here with us tonight!
(AOL_Host) Have a good night, everyone... and Mmmbop on!
(Axe) Well, it's really over now. Sorry for that mishap earlier guys, seems like someone [hint hint] can't make up their mind :)
(Axe) Anyway, again thanks for coming. Have a great night!


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