Capacitor Discharge Experimentation
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The Capacitors:
- Made by Cornell Dubilier
- Owned by Aron
- Rated 8200uF @ 400VDC
- 3.5" O.D. standing 6" tall
- Bright blue color
- 3 are wired in series for this experiment. This yields 3000uF @ 1200VDC (includes filtering in PSU)
The charging supply:
- Made by Aron
- 2kV 300mA output
- Built-in filter capacitors
- HV resistors smoke after awhile :-)
- Looks great and performs flawlessly.
- Charges 3000uF to 1200VDC in >15 seconds
The Spark Gap:
- Homeade by me and Aron
- Originally made for 5kVA Tesla Coil service
- Two 0.5" x 6" steel bolts threaded through 2x4 blocks
- Mounted on 1" thick pine base
- Gap spacing fully adjustable from 0" to 1.5"
- For capacitor discharge use, gap is shorted across with a large bolt threaded on the end of a PVC rod.
Safety Considerations:
- +100V usually remains in the capacitors after experiment is performed.
- Eyes must be protected from flying debris - which includes melted copper wire and burning insulation.
- Adequate ventilation is a must. Experiment creates large (4' diameter) clouds of irritating smoke.
- Sensitive electronic equipment must be taken out of the room due to strong electromagnetic pulse.
- Instantaneous sound pressure levels exceed 150dB
The Pictures!
The following patterns were created by charging a 3000uF bank of capacitors up to various voltages, and then discharging them through a piece of #22 wire via a spark gap. Instantaneous current levels go sky high, and the light-gauge wire is actually vaporized into a cloud of smoke. If a sheet of paper is placed on top of the wire, the smoke particles fly outward and are impregnated into the paper. This is what you see below. A possible explanation for the strange patterns might be the powerful magnetic field influencing the smoke particles. I don't you? Write me some mail!
Picture numbers 1 - 4
- 1200 volts, 2 kilojoules 5" wire length
- 1000 volts, 1.5 kilojoules, 3.75" wire length, 300 volts remaining after discharge
- 650 volts, 630 joules, 3.75" wire length, 175 volts remaining
- 1200 volts, 2 kilojoules, 2" wire length, 300 volts remaining
Thanks Aron for letting me use your stuff!!!
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