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Capacitor Discharge Experimentation

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The Capacitors:

The charging supply:

The Spark Gap:

Safety Considerations:

The Pictures!

The following patterns were created by charging a 3000uF bank of capacitors up to various voltages, and then discharging them through a piece of #22 wire via a spark gap. Instantaneous current levels go sky high, and the light-gauge wire is actually vaporized into a cloud of smoke. If a sheet of paper is placed on top of the wire, the smoke particles fly outward and are impregnated into the paper. This is what you see below. A possible explanation for the strange patterns might be the powerful magnetic field influencing the smoke particles. I don't you? Write me some mail!

Picture numbers 1 - 4

  1. 1200 volts, 2 kilojoules 5" wire length
  2. 1000 volts, 1.5 kilojoules, 3.75" wire length, 300 volts remaining after discharge
  3. 650 volts, 630 joules, 3.75" wire length, 175 volts remaining
  4. 1200 volts, 2 kilojoules, 2" wire length, 300 volts remaining



Thanks Aron for letting me use your stuff!!!

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