RSD Sharing and Caring Chat
(Reflex Symapthetic Dystrophy)
Welcome to My RSD sharing and caring chatroom. Please feel free to share of yourself and any knowledge of RSD or Chronic pain with others or if you just need a friend to talk to or are plainly BORD lol just the same, all the support you'll find is in this room. I Brat creator of these sites including this chat room am the montor of this room. There will be NO fighting or insulting others. I'v seen rooms destroyed by uncaring people. Please feel free to express your actions freely of your pain or illness. Parents are MOST certianly welcome. This room is open just about 24/7. I encourage all to please bring your RSD friends to this room as our goal is to form a wonderful support group here. If you should encounter any problems with this chatroom, please email me & this matter will be resolved quickly. Again I thankyou for comming. Enjoy your stay.
Caring and Supporting Room
Hello friends, if you should find I'm not here I'm probley busy working on finnishing up some work. While your waiting please feel free to have a look around at my other webpages I do hope you enjoy the sites I'v made, aswell MUCH more to come so ENJOY!