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I have been thinking a great deal lately about worship and how it relates to our lives. I want to devote this page to how I have come to feel about worship. A way that more permeates our lives.

I have always felt that God should not be relegated to a few hours on the weekends. It seemed to me that that really trivialized our relationship with the Creator. And that it made our relationship and our worship rote, unfamiliar and cold. But the crystalization of how I feel about this started at work...

We were discussing physicals. And how long it had been since Julie and JR and Bob had had one. How it didn't matter, really, because God would take care of us..an attitude that drives me crazy. And I began to think about our bodies as the living temple of the living God. How would He like me to see this temple?

Of course, I am not promoting vanity. But God gave us a brain and I feel He would really like us to use it. So I began thinking about eating as an act of worship. For if in eating we are caring for the temple of the living God, when we put junk and garbage in our system, we are disrespecting the temple. I came to see that this attitude of worship could change our entire concept of living. If we come to see that everything we do is, in some way, worship, or not worship, it could change how we live for God.

I saw it as an awareness of God that would help us not to put junk food into the temple. That would cause us to have our routine temple maintenance (physicals) and not rely on God to fix things that break in our bodies because of our neglect. I saw worship as using our mind to clean up our temple and to draw closer to our God. I spoke of this to the people at my work and I was blessed with skepticism and looks like I had become a fanatic...in a heartbeat.

Just think of how worship could impact our lives...our life choices...if we worship the living God in our bodies, daily, it would become second nature to be clean in thought, word and deed (I was a girl scout once...). Clean food for a strong temple. Clean thoughts and life for a pure temple. I really feel that this is how we are to see worship. Then, on the Sabbath or Sunday, whichever day you gather with others to worship, it would be a natural outpouring of a familiar relationship with God. An outpouring of the love relationship you have been developing with God.

I looked up worship on the web and believe me there is alot out there. So I put a few of the links here for you to investigate. I didn't find anything exactly like I was thinking, but the Worship as a way of Life comes close to how I have come to feel about worship. And how I want to live in worship...closer and closer to God our father. How about you?

Worship Links

Lift Up Your Hearts - Worship Site
Worldwide Worship
Barry's Worship Archive
Worship Resource Center
Cross Ways Worship
Biblenet Worship
Worship & Music