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Brookshire-Pattison E.M.S.

Definitions for EMS Personal

E.M.S. Director

Leaps short buildings in a single bound.

Is more powerful than a power stroke ambulance.

Is faster than a speeding bullet.

Walks on water.

Gives policy to GOD.


Leaps short buildings with a running start and favorable winds.

Is more powerful than on board suction.

Is just as fast as a speeding bullet.

Walks on water if sea is calm.

Receives policy from GOD.


Make high marks on buildings when trying to leap them.

Recognizes ambulance two out of three times.

Can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self-injury.

Dog paddles in swimming pool.

Talks with himself and sometimes answer him or her self.

Emergency Care Attendant

Falls over door step when trying to enter resident.

Points and says, "Look at the pretty ambulance."

Wets his pants at the sound of a cap gun.

Will drown if placed in water.

Can only remember the service he is with 50% of the time.

Emergency Medical Technician

Lifts building and walks under them.

Kicks ambulances and equipment out of the way.

Catches speeding bullets in his teeth and eats them.

Freezes water with a single glance.

He is GOD.

Garry Gunter May 27, 1998

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