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Promoting Poetry Banner Exchange

From: Corrin Trelli

I liked your page. It was very edcuational.

From: Scott H. Bracken

Bruce: I did a search on my last name BRACKEN and discovered your poetry page. I myself wrote numerous poems/songs in college. Now that I'm out in the real world working I don't seem to find the time to write the brilliant words I once did when I was nodding off in class. It's nice to know there's another BRACKEN out there carrying on the poetry tradition. I liked your Brackenfreeverse poem (I actually have a poem somewhere w/ the same title, only w/ spaces b/ween the three words in the title).

From: Bob

My Rhyme for no reasons offering is called Bob's Bizerko Lounge...check it out

From: Tom Bracken

What's it got to do with making a living?

From: Kate Willow

I was browsing your site and I came across a sign saying

From: Justin Marchand

Some people are meant to write poetry. Some are ment to pick up garbage from the sidewalk and put it in the green bins nailed to the trees. Please start picking up the shit from the street.

From: Phil Nippert
Re: Your poetry page
I rate your page as Liked it that your poems were printed page center.
Visit My Guestbook Too!

Sorry I couldn't fill in all the blanks I'm a little new at browsing the internet. I liked "Yukon." The clipped feel your form creates really worked in the last section, in that it enhanced the bluntness of the

From: Azmi
Re: Sign My Guest Book
I rate your page as 10
What URL did you find my Site at?: Guest Book

Very Good Home Page

Have A Nice Day

Thank You.

From: Suite1
Re: HI!!!

Hi there my uncle..you did a great job!!!!

From: Mitesh
I rate your page as great

Nice Page!!!!!!!

From: Daryl
I rate your page as very good

I really like your site!!!!!!! Please visit mine!!!!!!!