Black Watch and Queen's Guard
Black Watch
This team consists of 13 to 15 male cadets that are trained extensively
in armed drilling. This team is known nationally through their numerous
first place titles at all drill meets and at the Nationals Competition
in Daytona Beach, FL. These cadets work hard throughout the year to achieve
their best and to be able to compete and win at their meets. This is probably
the most prestigious team to be on in ALL JROTC units thoughout the country.
Good luck to Black Watch in all their further competitions.
Queen's Guard
This team consists of 13 to 15 female cadets that are trained in
unarmed drill. The Queen's Guard concentrates mostly on precision and unison.
The girls have won several meets and have proven themselves a great team
by sticking together during hard times. They also compete at Nationals
and have a lot of competition there. Good luck to Queen's Guard in all
their further competitions.