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Boy Scout Troops Page

Cross Timbers District Boy Scout Troops



Troop Meeting Day / Time Scout Master Location
  24    Wed 7:00 Randy Starr LDS Forest Hill
  56    Mon 7:00 Don Anderson 1st Christian Church
  57    Mon 7:30 Lee Bowman 1st Baptist Church
  68    Wed 7:30 Craig Poindexter 1st United Methodist Scout House
  96    Th 7:30 Freddie Thacker Mayfield Road Baptist
  118   Mon 7:00 John McInnis Advent Lutheran Church
  186    Thur 7:00 Glenn Goss University Baptist
  249    Wed 7:00 Drue Kofoed LDS Mansfield
  376    Mon 7:30 Mike Curtis Grace Lutheran
 379    Mon 7:30 Paul Missel Woodland West Church of Christ
 380    Mon 7:30 Charles Jeffreys Northwest Christian
 393    Mon 7:30 James Furr Good Shepard UMC
 394    Thur 7:30 Laverne Shattuck St Matthews Catholic
 396    Thur 7:30 Mike Patton Elks Lodge
 399    Mon 7:00 Gary Briggs Woods Chapel Baptist
 517    Mon 7:30 Steve Barnes 1st United MethodistScout House
 520    Mon 7:00 Phil Von der Heydt New World UMC
 533    Wed 7:00 Mark Evans LDS 1st Ward
 545    Mon 7:00 Dave Stone Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic
 558    Wed 7:00 Carl Benjiman Mt Olive Baptist
 560    Mon 7:00 Mitch Stepanovich Trinity United Methodist
 615    Mon 7:30 Greg Lewis St. Maria Goretti Catholic
 630    Mon 7:00 T. J. Walker North Davis Church of Christ
 633    Wed 7:00 Ted Wilson LDS 3rd Ward
 733    Wed 7:00 Tom Black LDS 4th Ward
 833    Wed 7:00 Clint Taylor LDS 2nd Ward
 933    Wed 7:00 John Pennock LDS 5th Ward
 1033    Wed 7:00 Randy Starr LDS 6th Ward
 1099    Wed 7:00 Lewis Arnold Epworth UMC
 2000    Thur 7:30 Curt Magee Epworth UMC
 2001    Mon 7:30 Larry Savoy Aldersgate UMC


Texas Department of Public Safety
Troop Links
Troop 68 XT
Troop 118 XT
Troop 591 Tejas
Troop 1932 Tejas District
Troop 315 Fort Worth
Other Sites to Visit
Boys Life Magazine online
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Scout Camps with High Adventure camps

Last Updated: January 4, 2001

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