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Amanda's Angel Friends

Below is a list of angels who are now playmates with Amanda. If you have a minute take a look at their pages, and you will see all the hard work that their mommies and daddies have put in. My wish is that everyone will have the peace of knowing that God is in control of everything, and one day we will be reunited with our children.

Zoe Nichole Wilson

Erin Elizabeth Ayrult

Quinn Michael Ayrult

Dylan Michael Louvau

Taylor Alyssa Ordonez

Brooklyn Sadie Morrison

Derek Alan Thiessen

Ryan Taylor Pequette

Kaitlyn Rose Pequette

Dominick Joseph Francis

Austin Taylor

Bryton Travis

Ashley Sierra

Bridget Serena

Kristen Eve Armont

Aiden George O'Halloran

Ana Caitlin Tello

Jacob Early

Travis Early

Bella Anne Chevalier

Jordan Bailey Audino

Tshura Oesha Love France-Wagoner

Crystal Dawn Stransky


Bryan Erik Lane

Joey Strino

Jake Strino

Zachary Mark Shelton

Jordan Taylor Shelton

Timothy Dakota Hollon

Jonathan Dwayne Pace

I would be honored to add any angels that you know of. If they have a memorial page, if you will e-mail me the information I would be happy to link it from here.

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