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My salad days, when I was green in judgement...

-circa 1982
Hey, want to make friends with me ?
People say I was always shy.
But I think I have always treasured people.

-circa 1987
Me in a rare recalcitrant mood.

-circa 1983
Me, my elder brother Lalu and younger brother Tulu.

-circa 1982
A sulking Tulu, me and Lalu, the naughty one always.

-circa 1982
Tulu and my youngest brother Niku.
Two of the most precious kind of people.
-circa 1982

You thought that's all ?
I haven't yet introduced my little sister and my dearest parents.
But that story, some time later.
Actually, I have to find those photographs.

Well,till such time friends,
Good luck and take care.

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