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Arc. 388R
Methodologies of Architectural History
Prof. Anthony M. Alofsin.

The Works of Achyut Kanvinde.
A Case of Interpretation and categorisation.


There are infinite number of concerns, influences and traditions that have shaped Kanvinde’s works and his assimilation and self-discovery is drawing him closer to his self, an elusive ‘identity’ hidden and revealed by the palimpsest of human existence. A much deep-probing understanding of his life and his work responsive to his larger interests and concerns seems important to clarify the important phase of the political and social process in the creation in the new country which he shaped and guided. Humility and reticence are acclaimed hallmarks of his persona, which is one of the reasons his works have not been as widely known as they could be. Early this year, addressing the Indian architectural educators, he suggested, " The role which the schools have to play is to expose students to various situations and train them to cultivate and appreciate values so that they can experience and sharpen their senses through observation and practice". In the autumn of his distinguished life, his humanity and concerns need to be better understood. 


  1. Batley, Claude : Architecture (Oxford Pamphlets on Indian Affairs, no.35, Bombay, 1946)
  2. Bhatt, Vikram and Scriver, Peter : After the Masters: Contemporary indian Architecture (Ahmedabad; Mapin, 1987)
  3. Colquhoun, Alan : "The concept of regionalism" in Gulsum Baydar Nalbantoglu and Wong Chong Thai Ed. postcolonial space(s) (New York: Priceton Architectural Press, 1997)
  4. Correa, Charles : "Chandigarh: The view from Benaras" (Architecture + Design, Nov-Dec 1987, New Delhi)
  5. Curtis, William JR : Modern Architeecture since 1900 (Prentice Hall, New York,1987)
  6. Frampton, Kenneth : Modern Architecture: A Critical History (New York: Thames and Hudson,1992)
  7. Guha-Thakorte, Tapati : The Making of an New "Indian" Art: Artists, Aesthetics and Nationalism in Bengal, c.1850-1920 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992)
  8. Kalamdani, Kiran : "Campuscapes Revisited" (Architecture + Design, Nov-Dec 1995, New Delhi)
  9. Kanvinde, Achyut : "An Observation " (Architecture + Design, Jan-Feb 1998, New Delhi) p.82
  10. Prakash, Vikramaditya : "Identity Production in Postcolonial Indian Architecture" in Gulsum Baydar Nalbantoglu and Wong Chong Thai Ed. postcolonial space(s) (New York: Priceton Architectural Press, 1997)
  11. Prakash, Vikramaditya : "Production of Identity in (Post)Colonial ‘Indian’ Architecture: Hegemony and its Discontents in Nineteenth-Century Jaipur" (Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell University,1994)
  12. Rykwert, Joseph : On Adam’s house in Paradise (New York: Museum of Modern Art,1972)
  13. Said, Edward : Orientalism (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London,1978)
  14. Serenyi, Peter : "Ethics and Aesthetics: an architect and his values" (Architecture + Design, May-June 1985, New Delhi)

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