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The B-52's were the first "New Wave" band I had ever heard. I was 12 years old. I loved them! It was like discovering a whole new world. Their music put me over the top. I became a fanatic! Looking for every new, weird and wacky group.

Kate Pierson, Keith Strickland, Cindy Wilson, Fred Schneider, and Ricky Wilson (now parted from this crazy world) created the band in 1976. Their name was taken from the outrageous B-Hive hair-do's that were prominent in the deep South.

Their first album titled "The B-52's", was released in the late 70's. They became heard by their gigs in seedy, rundown New York punkrock clubs. This album featured "Planet Claire", "Rock Lobster", and "Heroe Worship".

Their second album, Wild Planet was released in 1980. They were now part of american non-mainstream music. "Private Idaho" is the funnest song on this album. The Mesopotamia album followed in 1982 and then Whammy was released just a year later, in 1983. They concluded their streak of releases in 1986 with Bouncing Off the Satellites

B-52's Links

The Official B-52's Website
Buy the book, Party Out of Bounds On Sale CDNow

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This page updated April 2, 2006