Here are those poemes translated into english.. they're NOT written in english at first.. (i've done that too, but these are all translations).. I don't know how they feels for someone who've english as 1st language.. If you have any suggestions of how I could change them to make them sound better i'd be pleased if ya emailed me. :) ---- Mind yourself! they said, do not DEPEND Now he's standing on his feet like the tower of Pisa staring at a slanting world ---- Didn't you know? It was you and I who dug out all the craters of the moon constantly searching for someone who understand One step deeper we can be found ---- Even if you were deceased now, even if i let you go and you dissapeared for ever you would be the joy in me and i'd remember you so well i'd write 3-4 plays about you and at least 1 novel I'd use your soul as an ideal while drawing the picture of true communion I'd recall you to the paper by interpersonal spells ---- Reformator: I'm a collector now, a collector of well grinded phrases in different colors I'm studying poetry to sharpen the axe of perfection which shall divide earth in just one stroke I'm the bow - aimed and stretched - and truth is my arrow I'm not accepted in this world, I preach Life to my enemies Not until the very moment when the poisoned arrow is piercing the heart will youl understand what kind of love forced me to do this ---- Towards the thistle in stomach causing peace with enemy, quenching of fire in heart, the holy surrender of pointless zeal, the center of heart displaced by God amongst humans lost beyond recall Give love when cannot you do then ---- *Hovering again like that old paperplane from top floor you threw when you were 8 years old and disliked school* ---- You mustn't die with me if you live like that cutting off the eyes of my heart from the static truths You mustn't share my life if you don't let me execute lies on public places You mustn't touch me nor follow me on my way, if you don't want to drop all the fevered dreams first You musn't live with me if you don't die for a bit first ---- Tomorrow or today i'll cause another wound on the skin of my heart by denying myself and my own, turning into the expected ---- In the night Chagall is painting soft bodies in the sky, womens ethereal hairslings recently washed, wet, blue outside windows in huts where people are hysterically boiling their coffee In yellow candle lightened rooms dutiful workers, women and men, are moving too tired to discern the sensual music in the air, the soundless Piaf ---- In a circle around your person will all my love rush forth Like a blazing comet it will leave bigger and smaller rains of light behind I come closer and you become afraid my wings will burn I observe you from far away and you call for me stronger than gravity Close and far away, the mutual magnetism without any collisions - one of the laws in nature i try to repeal ---- "I hungry so much for your words, your poetry i think i'll just eat up your face & your mouth" I set my alarmclock to 06:30am to have time to fill my belly with words of gunpowder & lovefire I let my secret, private universe expand like a balloon and then let all the air out so nobody shall see what it was I hide all the drama of my world in my armpit ---- Let's pretend just for a second that we aren't that important and that our voices weren't recorded on tape Let's pretend we're not the main characters in awfully extended biographical movies Let's play the game we don't know ourselves anymore, that our memories are vanished and gone as we're checkin in to foreign mythical inns ---- Whisper in the wind: - Together with you i could conquer the world Scream in the mountains: - In your shadow, when you went by, i saw the flowers of sorrow fade & die, forth came a rose, the white one, containing life itself Write in the sand: "Together with you i leave the eye of the twister upright and survive all kind of disasters" ---- Alias Svensson (Göran) ----(end)