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Feel the cool crisp air
Touch your bare naked skin
Exposed and defenseless
You feel the stinging breeze
Of the foggy mist that rolls in.

In the distance hills
The sun begins to fade
As night falls
All becomes quiet and still.

Closing your eyes
You sit quietly and listen
Feeling every sensation
And hearing nothing but the night
And its sounds.

The crickets are so many
So close;
The trees you can see them
Though your eyes are shut tight
You begin to dream.

You dream that you're sitting
On an old oak tree, and then
You become the branch,
And then the leaf
The fall breeze moves you
Making you sway in the wind.

Back and forth
Chillin you to the bone with each gust
You can't hang on any longer
You're about to fall.
And losing your grip;

You give up
You let go.
And float gently to the ground below.


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