Some try to keep this secret
They try to hide it
To tell you it's different
Here is the truth; here are all the lies.
Taken far from their home
To an unfamiliar place
Some are family pets
Others are just lost strays.
Poked, prodded, and alone
Their eyes are sprayed full of mace
Free of the one tool needed
To wash the poisonous product away.
Full of loneliness and in agony
Fearful and confused
They are hooked up to a new tool
That pumps smoke straight into their lungs.
They are injected with the toxic poisons
To see what things will happen
While half of them will quickly die
The rest will lay in pain and suffer.
Looking into their soft-spoken, sad eyes
You can see their hearts inside
Unable to speak for themselves
Express their agony into words, or to cry
They fearfully wait
For that fateful time
For their instinct's tell them
Their destiny in the end is to die.
Whether it is a simple quick death
Or one full of pain and torment.
But till that moment eventually arrives
They remain Unseen and Unheard from
Suffering behind the closed doors
Shielded from our eyes.