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Cool Periodic Table
250 Science Resources
Science and other Curriculum Links
Curriculum and Online Learning Site

SOOOOO many Periodic Tables
Cool Periodic Table
Los Alamos National Lab
D Wizzys Periodic Table
Yahoo Chemistry
Bayer PT
More elements
Even More PT
250 Science Resources
Very Cool Symbols For Elements
Chemicool PT
Environmental PT
Science Education Periodic Table
Chem Hub (no table...just questions)
Periodic Table of Radionuclides
Another Periodic Table of Radionuclides

Very good Internet Chemistry Teaching Sites

National Atlas
DMHO Facts
Orbitals Web Page
UC Davis Safe Handeling of Radioisotopes
Radioactive Decay Calculator
Mad Science Library
Krampf's Experiment of the Week
Radioisotope Production
Cabbage Juice Chart
Stiochiometry by Recipe
Brightline Spectrum
Great Chemistry Teaching Reference Site
Chemistry Education Resources
Teaching Materials for all areas of Chemistry
Chem Presentations Online Chem Lectures&Problems
Chem Multimedia
Chem Links
Chem Courses Online
Multimedia Tools
Gen Chem Power Point & Movies
P-Chem Power Point & Movies
3D Molecules & Lewis Dot
AWESOME Powerpoint & Adobe Acrobat Lessons
Teaching on the WWW
3D Molecules--Must have PDB & Netscape
3D Molecules---Must Have Rasmol
Chem Curriculum Links
Chem Multimedia Links**
Chem Animations(some too complex
Chemistry Tutor
AWESOME Chemistry Links!!!
Chem Teachers Links

MOLE DAY!!! Mole Day Greeting Cards

Chemistry Teaching

Humble Chemistry
Chemistry calculator
Great Chemistry Teaching Reference Site
Chemistry Education Resources
Teaching Materials for all areas of Chemistry
Chem Presentations Online Chem Lectures&Problems
Chem Multimedia
Chem Links
Chem Courses Online
Multimedia Tools
Gen Chem Power Point & Movies
P-Chem Power Point & Movies
3D Molecules & Lewis Dot
AWESOME Powerpoint & Adobe Acrobat Lessons
Teaching on the WWW
3D Molecules--Must have PDB & Netscape
3D Molecules---Must Have Rasmol
Chem Curriculum Links
Chem Multimedia Links**
Chem Animations(some too complex
Chemistry Tutor
AWESOME Chemistry Links!!!
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Ideal Gas Law
Nuclear Chem

Chemistry Online

Online Chemical Journals
Best Chemistry Internet Resources
More Chem Online Resources
Chemistry Gophers and Servers
Yahoo Chemistry
Huge Online Resource
Lectures by subject
Tour a Particle Accelerator
Texas Weather
Regional Weather
Weather by State
Chem History
Kp Quiz
Teachers Help
3D Models
Solutions Guide

Chemistry Software

Chemistry Software
Chem Software Links******Very Good
Free Chemware
Software Search Engines

Chemistry Demos & Experiments

About 30 Demos
Experiments w/ visuals
Bizarre stuff in Kitchen

Chemistry Periodic Table

Visual Periodic Table

Chemistry Search Engines

Chem Search Engine
Chem Search Engine

Chemistry HighSchools

Other High School Lessons
Another HS
Cary Academy
Wilton High School
Gate City High School
Billerica Memorial High School



Interactive Human Body
Virtual Brain
Human Anatomy

Chem Lesson Plans

Chem & physics lesson plans**EXCELLENT***
Chem & physics lesson plans**EXCELLENT***
Online Chemistry Videos (srhodesscott)


FAQ Questions
Bad Astronomy
Smithsonian Museum
Build Your Own Animal
Science Questions
Science Questions
Science Questions
National Laboratories
MIT Inventions
Fun Population Game
Computer News and Reviews
Fun Science Experiments
Science Exhibits
Answers Questions You Wish You Hadn't Asked!!
Tunnels in Progress
Fun Population Game
Biology Movies

DNA Stuff

Pasco Lab Products
View the ISS
Nasa Flight Info
Another ISS Viewing Site
Discovery Channel
Teaching Games
Teachers Lessons

Need to check up

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Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see
Gotta see