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Calcium Oxide (Lump), 100-200g Distilled Water, 25-100 ml Cooking Oil Stirring Rod 2 Small Aluminum Pans (same size, shape unimportant) 1 Small Egg (medium or large eggs don't work as well) Spatula
Materials Needed Notes Directions Reaction

CALCIUM OXIDE The Chef (Exothermic Reaction) Materials Needed: Calcium Oxide (Lump), 100-200g Distilled Water, 25-100 ml Cooking Oil Stirring Rod 2 Small Aluminum Pans (same size, shape unimportant) 1 Small Egg (medium or large eggs don't work as well) Spatula Directions: 1. Place all of the Calcium Oxide in one of the aluminum pans. 2. Coat the other aluminum pan with cooking oil and place 1 scrambled egg in the same pan. 3. Add all of the water to the Calcium Oxide. 4. Place the pan with the egg in it on top of the pan with the Calcium Oxide and water. 5. Stir the egg until it is cooked. Notes: When the water is added to the Calcium Oxide heat is given off. Alot of heat. Be careful that you do not burn yourself while conducting this experiment. Also note that there is no way to stop the reaction once it has started. Be sure that you obtain lump Calcium Oxide (powder or old Calcium Oxide will not work). Reaction: CaO(s) + H2O(l) --> Ca(OH)2(s) + heat


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