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Hotline (915) 588-5841

February 24.
The El Paso police Dept.dispatcher contacted El Paso MUFON Chief Investigator,
Robert Calamia,to tell him that a citizen had reported a UFO.Calamia contacted the individule,but
the person did not wish to be the subject of an investigation.The woman did not want her name
divulged.The sighting was centered around a large bright blue ball of light that appeared to pulsate.
The object was seen at approxamatly 8:16 P.M.While the woman was driving near Yarborough
street near Walmart in east El Paso.She first noticed a bright blue flash which she initially thought
was an explosion.After arriving home,she could still see a bright blue object in the sky that became
very bright and then faded and grew bright again.She watched the object for about 10 minutes
before it moved slowly off to the southwest at a slow rate of speed.She heard no sound.The
object appeared to be south of the interstate,over the Ysleta area and she estimated that it was
about 2 miles high.The winds were gusting up to 50 m.p.h. that evening with blowing dust.

April 18.
At 12:20 P.M. a woman in Nogal Canyon,near Alamogordo,observed a strange light high
up on a ridge line of a portion of the Sacramento Mountains.Since there is no road up there,the
woman thought it could be a helicopter.But there was no rotor noise and the objest was very bright
and oval shaped.It appeared to have a series of bright,flashing lights around its circumference.
In addition,there appeared to be what was desribed as an energy field or corona around the object.
She observed the objest for about 20 seconds until it appeared to go behind a mountain.Two
independent witnesses in La Luz,N.M.observed at the same time three or four balls of light on the
same ridge line.The lights were moving slowly and appeared to be about then size of a fingernail
held at arm,s length.The ridge line is accessible only by horse back and is on the Mescalero
Apache Indian Reservation.

April 18.
An unidentified light was vidiotaped at night over the Franklin Mountains in West El Paso
and brought to the attention of the El Paso News Media.The brief vidio was shown on a local TV
station.Because the light was on a black background,there was no way to judge its size or distance.
A MUFON investigator was assigned to investigate further.The Chief Investigator,Robert Calamia
appeared on the newscast and was interviewed.

May 10.
An eastside El Paso Resident who lives near Yarborough street and I-10 reported seeing
an erratically moving object to the south west of his home for about 15 munutes between 9:15
and 9:30 P.M.His home is about a mile east of I-10.The object appeared to be at a high altitude
just south of the freeway.The object was about the size of a dime held at arm's length and was at
about a 45 degree angle to the horizon.The man,a 59 year old retired fireman and his wife,observed
the object through binoculars from their back yard and also from their front yard."At first it looked
as if it was at a very high altitude.It looked like a diamond-shaped object with one red light
and 3 rotating white lights,"he said.It moved with erratic movements and no noise was heard.
The night was clear with winds at about 20 to 25 m.p.h.After getting his binoculars the witness
could see that the white lights were not rotating,but that the object,which looked like a kite,was
rocking back and forth.The white lights were in three of the corners while the red light was
near the center and on top of the object.It appeared to be gray in color.

The object began to descend quickly,almost straight down until they lost sight of it behind a
neighbor's house.They then moved to the front yard and the object was seen descending further
untill it went down behind the hill across the street from their house,to the southwest.At this
point the witness believed it to be a kite that was being reeled in from a point near the freeway.

May 21.
The El Paso MUFON hotline recieved a call at about 8:30 P.M. from a witness who saw
three black"droplet"shaped objects which wobbled in the sky.A corroborating witness had also
taken a vidio of seven similar objects.The vidio was shown on a local TV station.This case is
under investigation.

May 29.
MUFON El Paso chief investigator,Robert Calamia,was a guest speaker on KROD 600
AM.The program lasted two hours,with calls from listeners.One of the callers was referred to the
support group for experiencers of alien contact led by Dr.Roberta Fennig.The program help to
publicize the work being done by MUFON in El Paso and our hotline number: 588-5841

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