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(Note: the following information was given to a woman from Arkansas who has experienced an
alien contact all if her life.She perfers to use the pseudonym Rebecca Grant,rather than her
real name.The information comes from an insectoid creature who resembles a praying mantis)

(Note: From the webmaster -- Due to the fact that I don't have a scanner,I will be unable to put
up images of the diagrams shown in the MUFON NEWSLETTER.Instead I will simply describe
the diagrams in light blue text. They are simply circles with Xs along the circumference.)

These beings told me that space is not flat,it is curved.I knew that,but it didn't mean anything to me.
As far as I was concerned,space went out in all directions.They told me that if I was a two
dimensional being,one that could move over a flat area but not up or down,it would appear to me
that nothing existed above or below me,but that is only how I would perceive my it is
and how it appears is not the same thing.

From their perspective,space is curved.They showed me this image:


A circle with Xs along the circumference.
The interior of the circle labeled TRUE VACUUM.

Distances are closer than they appear because our vision follow the curve of space.The Xs
represent galaxies.But travel can be accomplished along a straight line.The area within the
space curve they call the"true vacuum".Travel through a true vacuum is almost instantaneous.
If you wish to reach another star system a short distance from you along the space curve(from
point A to point B),it is quicker to move through the true vacuum to a distant star(point C)and
back to the nearest star,than to travel to your destination directly by moving through normal
space,along the space curve.


The same circle again,but with two adjacent Xs next to
each other labeled A and B and another X on the opposite
side of the circle labeled C and a dotted line through
the circle connecting point A to C and another dotted
line connecting point C to B.This shows the rout of travel
through the interior of the circle,the true vaccume,rather
than along the curve of the circle or the curve of known space.

I believe that leaving the space curve requires an anti-gravity device and navigation is done by the
stars similar to the way ancient mariners navigated.To begin with,the universe isn't simply curved,it
is spherical.That part of space that is visible from Earth can be mapped.Also,using the visible
portion of space,it should be possible to calculate the size of the space sphere,as well as
its diameter.


The same circle again.One of the Xs along the circumference
is labeled EARTH and a slightly curved dotted line passing
through the interior,but not through the center,shows a small
portion of the circumference that would be visible to us.
This is labeled"Area of universe that can be seen".

Unmanned probes capable of photographing space would have to be sent through the true vacuum.
This greater sustem is also curved and is part of a much larger sphere or universe.The beings said
that the larger universe would be much harder to map because our universe is a closed system,while
the greater universe is not.This gives us some idea of how infinite the concept of the infinite can be.

Next newsletter: The secrets of Time Travel

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