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Sarah Mc Clendon,who has covered the White House as a correspondent longer than
anyone else(since the late 1940's)and who at one time worked for the El Paso Times,
issued the following press release on March 30 to the media that carries her stories.
Mrs.Mc Clendon has been a crusader against government secrecy and seems determined
to help uncover government information on UFOs.

Washington,D.C. -- Unidentified Flying Objects,a term given for many years to unexplained
sightings of craft in the skies over every state in the union,are actual visitors from other worlds,
believe a community of scientists and technicians employed by the government.

The real danger to theU.S. and perhaps to this whole planet is that the government has placed such
a heavy blanket of secrecy upon this issue.So much secrecy,those in the government who have
knowledge showing that UFOs are identifiable feel the subject cannot be discussed by those in the
know without serious repercussions.Others are afraid their friends and co-workers will think they
are crazy if they even so much as insinuate that UFOs are identifiable as manned craft from outside
the earth.This particularly applies to newspaper editors and publishers,reporters and analysts.
Thus the U.S. is denying itself the chance to learnmore about UFOs or to encourage research
dispite the fact the U.S. stands to gain from such discussions.

Not publicized but true is that the Clinton Administration,soon after comming to office,had many
briefings on the subject.Laurence Rockefeller provided the information for the President and
Mrs.Clinton.Others provided documents and verbal briefings to presidential advisors Jack
Gibbons(Science),Bruce Lindsay(personal),Anthony Lake(national security)and Vice President
Albert Gore.About the same time a three hour briefing was given by Dr.Steven Greer to the sitting
director of the CIA,Admiral Woolsey.

Subsequently,Clinton instructed Webster Hubbell,when naming him to the position of Associate
Attorney General at the Justice Department,that he wanted him to investigate and report back
to him on two things,circumstances surrounding the death of President John F. Kennedy,and the
existence of UFOs.Hubbell,despite his position and the presidential imprimatur,was boxed in
at the Justice Department and never was able to find out.All of this was disclosed in Hubbell's
memoir Friends in High Places.

Now the lid on UFOs is gradually coming off.There is a national drive underway to get one million
signatures on a petition calling for an open Congressional hearing for government employee
witnesses.Dr.Steven Greer,Director of the Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
,devotes most of his time seeking disclosure of government evidence proving the existence
of craft manned by non-humans.Another who feels that positive proof exists within the government,is
Lt.Col.Philip J.Corso(retired),who reveals in a recent book,The Day After Roswell,that he was
in charge of the Roswell files during his tenure as head of the Army's Foreign Technology Division.
He states unequivocally that these files confirm the crash which occurred at Roswell,New Mexico
was an alien space craft.This compleatly refutes the Air Force denials and subsequent explanations.

Corso says that the crashed vehicle was studied and proved to be manufactured of materials
unknown as to source and usage in this country.In time,he says,this and other UFOs provided
technologies which were"worked into the commercial world via front companies."Incidentally he
vouches for the fact that this has proven to be a valuable contribution to U.S. aircraft design
and other commercial products.

After the Roswell incident,the Air Force replied to reporters' inquiries that this was all part of
research using weather balloons and other equipment.Corso and hundreds of others who work or
have worked in secret defense and scientific agencies,are willing to swear under oath that alien
craft are repeatedly penetrating our airspace.

Whenever the military agencies are asked to look into this matter further,the answer is always
the same--"We do not investigate UFOs".

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