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Facehugger's Award

See Winners List

To qualify, your site must:

1. Be pet related. Animal rights pages will not be considered.
2. Be useful. Provide information or service. Commercial sites are allowed, but must have content other than a price list.
3. Have good web design. Be easy to navigate, load quickly. Unecessary use of frames, java, plug-ins or images is discouraged.
4. Give credit if wording or pictures are not your own.

Additional Rules & Information:

1. One winner will be chosen per month. The winner will be notified by email and sent the award as an attachment.
2. The winner must provide a link to my main page where the award is displayed. This can be a text link below the award or simply link the award graphic itself.
3. The award must not be changed or manipulated in any way.


E-mail address:

Page URL:

Name of Your Site:

Please only press submit once. You will receive e-mail if your site wins.

Winners of Facehugger's Favorite Pet Site Of The Month Award

MARCH 1999 Three Sugar Gliders

DECEMBER 1998 The Jonah Files

NOVEMBER 1998 The Sugar Glider Shack

OCTOBER 1998 East Coast Exotic Pet Fanciers

SEPTEMBER 1998 National Alternative Pet Association

AUGUST 1998 GliderNet

JULY 1998 Glider Island
