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-Suzi_R's page!<--kool page from suzi. also has some great links and a sexy pic of suzi!!!

-Sexy Gothic IRC<--IRC 4 all u sexy gothic bitches

-giggle_babee's Blonde Desires IRC<--IRC 4 all the yummy blondes out there.

-DemonVampyre's Ultimate Vampyre's IRC<--this irc is 4 all u vampire lovers

-forevernite's IRC Chat<--4 webtv classic. leads u into talkcity.

-forevernite's NewChat<--4 webtv classic & plus. also leads u into talkcity

-forevernite's ZuhNet IRC<--4 webtv classic & plus. this 1 leads u into Zuh Net

- Danny Peters homepage<--this page has IRC's and many other cool links

-Ric's Center-Stage<--pictures of mostly Zuh net chatters

If you would like your homepage crossed linked to this page e-mail it to me. If you have any ideas, questions or html codes i can use please e-mail me. always,

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