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Joke Page

This page is not meant to offend anyone. Our most humble apologizes if it does. But...If you don't like funny, sometimes naughty sometimes cute, harmless joking; then don't read them! No One Is Twisting Your Arm

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Men's Rules for Women {Not excused by MzNu2}
You Might be a Redneck Jedi If:
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Little Johnny Jokes
Cheech and Chong

What did the computer say to the printer? "Did you font?"

Why don't cannibals eat clowns? They taste funny.

How do you get a one-armed aggie out of a tree? Wave to him.

Did you hear that they cancelled dex education at Texas A&M? The sheep all ran away!

How do you find Dolly Parton's kids in a crowd? Just look for the stretch marks on their lips!

What do a tornado and a Redneck divorce have in common? In the end , someone's going to lose a trailer house.

What do a tornado and a woman have in common? They both howl when they come and take the house when they leave.

Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse were in divorce court. The judge says, "Mr. Mouse let me get this straight, you want to divorce Minnie because she"s crazy?" Mickey replies," I didn't say she was crazy, I said she was f#@%ing GOOFY"!!

How many flies does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Just 2, but they have to find a way to get inside it.

What does the Pilsbury doughboy have in his pants? DOUGHNUTS!

An old woman is sitting beside an old man in a nursing home. She says,"I bet I can tell how old you are." He says,"It's a bet." She reaches down and unzips his pants puts her hand in and begins to play with his manhood. "83" she exclaims! "How could you tell that?" he says. "it was easy," she says, "I heard you say so yesterday!!!"

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