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The Here and The Now...

Angelic Art sent to me via email by a beloved Friend
And a Poem to go with it!!!

Everyone gets an Angel . . .
You can't always see them,
because sometimes, they are invisible.
Sometimes they are your pet when he kisses you . . .
Sometimes they are a small treasure you find . . .
An Angel might even be your Friend.
Those Angels are quiet, but what they are really saying is:
“Pink clouds! a good day is just around the corner.”
So if you begin to worry too much, just remember . . .
Somewhere, an angel is looking out for you, too!

Things have settled down recently. This has a great deal to do with Jon having a job. It seems that when he wasn't working he took out his frustrations on everyone around him, and now that he is working he is feeling better about himself and therefore treating all around him better. It is amazing when the entire premise for your life shifts beneath your feet and you find yourself having to contemplate entirely different ideas for the future than you had ever had to before. For the first time since we married, I am beginning to see a way that Jon and I could remain married. This rocked my world.

Because this began, continued and were so difficult, so depressing and so draining, I never thought of any solution except leaving...someday...when we had the money...when Sean was in school...when things got too difficult to bear...

And sometime in the last six months I caught myself thinking of the future, our future, as a family. It was an eye-opening thing for me. As things have improved with Jon and his job, and therefore with me, I have seen it reach an ever widening circle. To the point where as I lay on the couch with a headache the other evening, I watched my 18 year old son and my husband (people I had THOUGHT mortal enemies) play a computer game linked by the net for THREE SOLID HOURS without an arguement or a cross word. Well, I want you to know that I was glad I had missed work for that because it is a phenomena so strange that I wouldn't have been able to believe it unless I saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears! It was so wonderful. I went to bed feeling blessed.

It added to this overall sense that, yes, even after some pretty awful times, things do sometimes get better. And it happens whether you are actively seeking it or not. Often it takes your breath away. Not a bad thing either!!!

I'll keep you posted!