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Party Line Prophesying or Speaking Through A Religious Strainer

“There is a storm a comin' and you are a part of that storm I Am about to throw against the houses that say they are mine to see what they are built on... so take heart oh sweet and humble one of Mine- I Am is comin' and I Am comin' like a storm just as a thief in the night and all will know what their houses are built upon.”

Kinda’ scary words aren’t they? I am in fear and trembling when I hear stuff like this. Why? Because If I am a part of the coming storm, that means He is going to tear up my life. Ouch- Ugh.

My family and I have totally quit attending any ‘churches’. What I mean by that is all of the traditional, institutional, religious churchy stuff on Sunday’s, Wednesday’s, or any other day. I am branded as we say in Texas and am not welcome in their doors mostly because I will not ‘prophecy’ the 'party line'.

So what is ‘party line prophesying’ or speaking through a religious strainer?

I think we can and do filter all that we see, hear and speak through our own brand of religious standard strainer unless we have received a real revelation about the body of Christ. So not only do folks prophesy the party line of their particular denomination or personal understanding, but they do it with their own brand of culture and music and fuzzy feel goodies deals. The most truth I have ever received was a glaring contradiction to everything I ever thought I knew about anything. And IT WAS GOD! And most (99.9%) would tell me that it is not- alas.

My glaring contradiction was a vision given while in prayer for a praise and worship program/project proposed for the entire local christian community to participate in -

“I saw the torso of a female body and its color was gray-blue and out from the private parts of this torso came a snake, twisting and turning and winding itself around the torso.”

Now this is shocking to say the least, but its interpretation is clear:

Female= a representation of body of Christ, this thing which calls itself church

Torso= no head, no legs, no arms – no mind, no ability to do or to move

Gray-blue= dying, the color of death

Private parts= the inner most, concealed and intimate parts of a person

Snake= satan, devil, evil personified

Twisting, turning, and winding= overcoming and living on a dead torso

And this is the truth revealed- Jesus Christ and Him crucified. It is all about Him and not anything about us. It is the Christ Jesus in each person that is important. Is He glorified? Do I see Him glorified (resurrected, living) in me and in each of you? If not- why do you or I not see? Is it me or is it you or is it both of us who do not see? What keeps us from seeing and hearing and knowing Him in us?

Alas, alack- it comes down to our old selves, our old man and his nature. At long last I have begun to understand Paul’s words about taking off our old man and putting on the new man- Jesus Christ. And when this happens the old religious stand bys no longer work, no longer satisfy, turned to dust and ashes at our feet.

But back to getting rid of our religious strainers… this is a part of getting rid of the old man and putting on the new man. And I have found this to be true- though branded and shun, the most amazing thing is that they (who have shunned and branded me) come to me almost like Nicodemius - in the dark, undercover with the 'please don't tell anyone I have been to see you' speech. Why, because they know in their heart of hearts that the religious strainers have to go.

I leave you with this- He truly is the only One with the Words of Life and so I find myself in the same place as Peter and all the others who could not leave after His hard saying them on His body and blood.

Pepper Skeen singin’~ Lord Be Glorified Even In The Storm

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