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Proper Prophetic Etiquette

Does anyone hear an Echo, Echo, Echo in here?

Sometimes that is the way I feel when I hear someone say “I have a word from the Lord” and it is a rehash of something someone who ‘has a national or international’ profile has already said. The Lord calls this the sowing and reaping principle. But for real now – what is being sown and what is being reaped? Or in other words… begetting after one’s own kind.

In a time past a dear saint in the Lord, who was sincere of heart, ask a list of questions about giving or delivering a ‘right on word’ from the Lord. It made me sad that these questions were ask but even more- it made me anger in the responses I saw to the questions. Below is a parody answer to the questions along with my sincere answer. (BTW- thank God for a healthy sense of humor) -

Q: A word is received while in a church service or gathering, how would one best handle the delivery of it? There seems to be no urgency to when you give it, but it seems to apply and you feel it would be good to share it in a timely manner. Not all churches have established procedures in place regarding what to do at this point.

A: Go to the FAA company store, and purchase 2 flashlights with international orange extension tubes, of the kind used by ground support personnel to direct large planes to the gate. When an 'inbound' word of the Lord is detected, stand, illuminate your FAA issue flashlights, and signal the pastor to prepare to receive the word of the Lord. Remember to tell the congregation to remain in their pews with seat belts fastened until the Word has been completely delivered. Tell them "We know you have a choice in the churches you attend, and we thank you for choosing Pentecostal airlines".

In reality the bible gives the following clear instruction concerning a prophetic word in a gathering of the saints –

1 Cor. 14:23-26

Therefore if the whole church (ecclesia) assembles together and all speak in tongues, and there come in those who are uninformed (ungifted and or uneducated about spiritual matters) or unbelievers, will they not say that you are out of your mind? But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an uninformed (ungifted and or uneducated about spiritual matters) person comes in, he is convinced (convicted) by all, he is convicted (called to account) by all; the secrets of his heart are revealed; and so, falling down on his face, he will worship God and report that God is truly among you. What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.

Q: The Lord has given you a word and directed you to give it - NOW! I will add that you know it is a good word that you know it was indeed from the Lord, and that it aligns with scripture. I will also add that you know there will be problems if you share it – perhaps because you are in a place that doesn't embrace the prophetic, or that the timing of when the Lord wants you to give it will upset someone's agenda. A lot of people say the word is subject to the prophet, but there are times when the Lord says, "SAY IT NOW!” What do you do?

A: Stand up, illuminate your FAA issue flashlights, and shout "IT" at the top of your lungs, then sit down.

Again the bible provides guidelines for sharing any ‘word’ from the Lord. The instruction is so simple as to be almost confounding to all of us ‘super spiritual’ types… wait your turn and if someone has something to say or reveal or add, be quite and allow all to share.

1 Cor. 14:29-33

Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge. But if anything is revealed to another who is seated, let the first keep silent. For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and all may be encouraged; and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets; for God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.

Q: What do you do if you are a prophetic person in a church that does not move in the prophetic?

A: Take your FAA issue flashlights, and find a new church. If that is not an option, start a Yahoo eGroup on the prophetic. Prophets always enjoy prophesying to prophets.

Oh my- the bible also has a lot to say on this subject. Since we are all members of but one church and that church is revealed solely by geographic location and not name plates on doors, we can not just up and ‘unjoin’ the church. I mean the Lord by His Spirit is who has borne us into this thing called church. Can you leave a fellowship that is divisive? Most certainly we can, but God would that we educate the unlearned or ungifted among us. How do we do that? First by asking the Lord to make the way and then teach about the gifts of the Holy Spirit and their purpose for church. The best way to do that IMO is to despise not prophesying and explain why it grieves the Holy Spirit for us to do so. If there is still no ground given- leave them to the Lord to straighten out- He can and will if they are truly His.

Q: What do you do if you are a prophetic person and are not part of a church?

A: Being "part of" a church can be awkward and inconvenient. Suppose for example you are the "door" of a church. If you ever go home the church will be left wide open. It is best to resist becoming "part of" a church, unless of course you have the option of becoming the offering plates. That can be a lucrative business.

This question cuts to the heart of ‘what constitutes’ the church. Is it the literal building that most gather in on Sunday mornings once a week or is it an invisible building made up of living stones – saints of God and members of His family and household? We, members of the church, whether we attend a building on Sunday or not, are the Church (ecclesia) because the church is built by the Lord Jesus and membership is determined by the Holy Spirit not men nor their doctrines or constitutions or buildings or names.

Q: A word, vision, warning, etc. has been received for a particular person, church, community, nation, the Body, or even the world at large. For the sake of this question, I would add that upon receiving this word, it had been considered by the person receiving it, found to line up with scripture, and been confirmed in at least one way by the Lord. How would one best approach sharing this word with its intended audience?

A: When I first read the question above, I saw "with its intended victim" ... A good prophetic bed-side manner is always helpful in telling someone that God is about to smite them. When delivering such a word, it is advisable to deliver the word quickly, and then put as much distance between yourself and 'ground zero' as you can. It is always advisable to check the weather before delivering such a word, and note whether there is a severe weather alert for the time and area where you are delivering the word. If so, wear insulated shoes, and refrain from carrying an umbrella or a golf club.

This question makes me wonder at our showmanship and our ‘prophets’ must be “other”… (You know- from another world wearing camel hair coats and sporting a big gray beard and eating nothing but organic) mentalities. Paul says that the gift of prophecy is to build (edify), encourage (exhort and warn), and comfort (provide hope and solutions) to the people of God. We are exhorted to tell the truth in love. Is the truth hard sometimes? Yes, but when we know that God means all things for our good, even hard things and it is given with His love and compassion in it… then it is not such a hard thing. God Holy Spirit will never tell us anything that He is not willing and able to work in us to do. However, this question also begs the rejection factor… the Lord has told us that we will be persecuted and to not fear the face of men. What is it in us that needs the approval and acceptance of men? Our flesh nature of course. Usually if something the Lord has decided to speak is hard- it is hard first to the one speaking. And God, who does has a sense of humor, will often leave a defect in the vessel so men will reject His word. Contradictory- isn’t it? So much like God.

Q: Are prophetic people raised up in stages of ability as far as receiving or delivering "good words"? By this, I mean does age make the prophet more anointed or able to hear God better? If God calls a child as a prophet, are their words to be questioned because of obvious age or lack of experience? I have heard so very much lately about our youth that is coming up quickly with a heavy anointing on them. At what age are they considered mature enough to speak into the church?

A: The child should be old enough, that when the child wanders into the sanctuary, the nursery attendants don't feel the need to run after the child, nor post the child/parent number on the monitor in the sanctuary. Nothing is more embarrassing for a budding young prophet/prophetess of the Lord than to be recalled to the nursery mid-word. The child should also be taught about proper podium etiquette. Asking the pastor for a 'leg up', and standing on top of the podium to speak into the mic is a serious faux pas. Pacing back and forth on the top of the podium is absolutely forbidden.

All kidding aside, the Holy Spirit is fully grown and mature. Is it possible for Him to desire and even choose an immature or young or even a vessel with a flaw to speak through? Certainly! In fact, He Himself has said that He will speak through whom He will speak through. I seem to remember a story where He actually spoke through a donkey once and that to a man who could prophecy. But this question really does show how much we dislike having our agendas and programs and order of services disrupted, even by the Lord. Has it occurred to us that we are the ones who are indecent and out of order with our junk? Probably not…sadly. The Lord clearly states in I Cor. 14 the order of our gatherings. If we would but submit to this order, the young and the immature would be raised up and trained in the fear of the Lord because we ourselves would be raised in His fear.

Pepper Skeen singin’~ Lord Teach Us Your Order And Peace.

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