You are the salt of the earth... You are the light of the world...In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Mt.5:13-16 (NIV)
Earth/World are used interchangeably in the Bible. The definition of these words are that from which man is formed with man's 'worldly' view of his activities and institutions; the temporal condition of human affairs with people alienated from and opposed to God by being caught up in the godless pleasures and perversities of the world and it's systems; it is a wilderness- dry, barren, and unforgiving which is in disguise with adornment and decoration.
On the other hand is God's definition of Salt and Light. Salt is cleaning with the ability to temper together, prudent and used as a fertilizer which creates farmable land and is symbolic of the ratification of lasting covenant, and exhibited by wisdom and grace in speech.
As disciples in Jesus, we have the purifying, antiseptic qualities of salt that counteracts the corruption of the earth and it's worldliness. While light is the glory and fire of the presence of God in a disciple's life which illuminates the darkness in our lives and purifies us of the darkness and prepares the Way for the Lord Jesus to come and be enthroned in our lives as King and Lord.
This is what our Father in heaven has made us to be by the blood of Jesus Christ and by His Holy Spirit- IN HIS IMAGE! All believers are ministers! If a man - then to God and his wife and children, if a woman - then to God and her husband & children. We are all overseers, elders, and ministers first in our homes, then to our neighbors, church, and community.
In the joy of Jesus, Pepper Skeen singin’~ Salt and Light To A Dying World
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