I have always thought of prophecy as a 'now' word that points to the future. It is one of God's way of showing us His mind and heart today for the future. I know this is sometimes hard to grasp because we are such temporal beings stuck in time and space while God is eternal and without the boundaries of this temporal plane. That is what has always amazed and awed me about Jesus Himself- stepping out of eternity and His glory and coming to this restricted plane of time and space in order to redeem this less than glorious place and the people in it or so it seems to me.
The Lord has shown me something about this process and continuity that I believe serves us well to pay heed to.
In Ezekiel 46 and Revelation 22 there is a prophetic description of the river of God. Though there be many streams (threads) we as a prophetic people in God are called to stop in the streams and rivers and turn to point toward the headwater- that is where the streams and rivers started at- in our case it is to turn and point toward that which is eternal- the throne of God where all of life begins and ends.
If we are in a stream or river and can not turn and point all the way back up the stream or river we are in to the headwaters and find the eternal purpose of God as the source, then we have missed the mark.
This brings me to the greatest calling of the Church (ecclesia) in the kingdom purpose of God. The eternal purpose of God is that everything that is created would be full of and reveal His glorified Son Jesus Christ. After all He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega.
If there is something that obstructs the view of Jesus as the headwaters in our stream or river then it is deception because Jesus is the Truth and only a lie would keep us in darkness to obstruct our view.
In Ezekiel and Revelation the banks of the rivers and streams are lined with trees that have leaves, which are medicine for the healing of the nations and bear fruit continually for the feeding of the nations. Psalma 1 says that the righteous ones (us who are the righteousness of God in Christ) are planted as trees by rivers of living waters and where does a tree in the natural point to as it source of life- UP- why the God of heaven of course. We are His trees of righteousness and we need to be healing and feeding and pointing to our source of life- Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord - the Only Begotten of the Father.
This only happens as we surrender our lives to God Holy Spirit and allow Him to show us the deceptions (the lies) that are within us each that would obstruct the view of the Most Wonderful One- Jesus Christ.
The OT prophets pointed continually to Jesus and His cross even when they did not understand what they were pointing at. When He came, He then started raising up the Church that would do as the OT prophets did- to point prophetically to Jesus the Christ and His second coming, even when we don't understand what we are pointing toward.
So, I beseech you, each and every one, with everything that is in me- seek to allow God Holy Spirit to show us the lies (deceptions) of the strongholds in your lives that the view of the One who you love and loves you is not obstructed by anything.
Sin has been taken care of by His atonement for us at His cross by His blood at Calvary. Now God Holy Spirit would have us see the deceptions that gave foothold to that sin.
In the gospel accounts the first thing that Jesus did by the power of the Holy Spirit at the Holy Spirit’s leading is to deal with deception. It is as old as the garden- "Did God really say?". For in doing this we will then be able to give prophetic meaning to our own lives and the lives of others in the Greatest Love Story ever told- Jesus and His redemption of men and all of creation.
Pepper Skeen singin'~ Walkin' With The Son
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