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Worshipping As A Living Sacrifice

Psalm 100:4-5 "Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness continues to each generation."

Entering is only the beginning of worship. Enter His gates (in ancient cities this was a place of entrance into a city which is fortified for its protection from the outside enemy). The only gate into the City of God is Jesus Christ. See John 10. With thanksgiving- being of a grateful heart that He made the way for us! By receiving His sacrifice on the Cross we are able to enter the city. But this is only the beginning. And courts (the place of abiding- and in the OT the tabernacle and temple of God was divided into 3 parts (courts)- outer court (natural open area), inner court (Most Holy place) and Holy of Holies. One must know what each of the courts is about in order to understand the progression into worship. With praise (giving Him the glory for what He has done)

The outer court- where we in our natural understanding and physical presence are water baptized and become priests in His kingdom. The old man dies and a new man is created.

The inner court or Most Holy Place- this is an enclosed place with 3 items in it- it represents our soul man- mind, will and emotions- being renewed (remade) by the word of God and divine illumination (Holy Spirit showing us), communion with Him (bread of Life), and incense (prayers to Him).

And lastly the Holy of Holies (or that most secret place) - which is our spirit man joined with His Spirit and it is all Him. He is the only thing we see, hear, receive divine life and light from. There is nothing for man in and of himself done here- IT IS ALL GOD.

Sadly most of us never get into the inner court much less the Holy of Holies. To get from our physical plane to His spiritual plane one must be willing to have his soul man (flesh, carnal nature) broken. And this only happens when we stop standing at the bottom of His cross & crawl up on His cross and become crucified to our self-life.

To be one with Him we must worship in Spirit and in Truth. We only do this by doing it His way. By allowing Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into the Truth which is Jesus a person not a mental or emotional or decision apprehension of knowledge about Him but a relationship with Him.

It makes me sad and grieves God Holy Spirit that most of us think that meeting with others in a physical building on some specific day and time (IE- Sun. am service) is what worship is all about. This is so far from the Truth and Spirit. God have mercy and forgive us for turning worship into a ritual, a tradition, a set form.

He has ripped the veil that separate us from Him on the cross- so yes enter His gates & courts with thanksgiving & praise but Do NOT stop there- go on in & see Him face to face, hear Him for yourself, love on Him yourself and allow Him to love on you.

I urge you, I prophesy to you in the name of Jesus-

"Come into My presence for entrance has been made by My blood and Cross. Come in and be made new. Receive My Life, My Bread, My Drink. Oh Woman- come to Me. I long for you face to face, heart to heart. My place is the place of mercy and grace. Come I say Come unto Me all of you who are heavy laden with child and in pain of birthing. See I have brought forth Life in My time, Isn't she lovely? Behold- I have made all things new and the old is passed away. Oh woman no longer laying in the waste a field of blood and shattered dreams, naked and forgotten and forsaken. See I have raised you up and dressed you well. Now Come Come to Me for My mercies are new each day and My loving kindness endures forever."

in the joy of Jesus, Pepper Skeen, singin’~ A Sacrifice Only For You!

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