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Meet My Friends

Hey Out There!! I wanted ya'll to meet some of my friends.

Justin: a guy in Maryland who loves roller coasters (as much as I do), plays guitar, and is a huge FLIRT. He's such a great friend though. I just can't say enough good things about him :) Absolutely one of my best friends ever, and one of the few people I trust unconditionally. He's really great at sports too. Plays basketball, lives for baseball, loves football and all that. I think people in MD had too much free time as children. Oh well...none of my business!! He also doesn't like Georgia very much.

Georgia: is originally from Brazil, and claims she's more exotic because of it. She is my one of my other best buds, and an awesome chica! We have water-fights, talk a lot...other stuff. We share families, kind of....(that's one LONG story) We have a long history of camp stories and lots of other fun inside jokes. One of my bestest buds forever...Georgia is a brunette but she really tries to be a blonde, and has this fetish for lemon juice in the sunshine.....don't ask........Oh, and she can't stand Justin :) Ironic, huh?

Ashley: Ashley was an awesome friend who was once here, but is now gone. She moved back to MD. Love ya! Keep in touch kiddo.

Danyel: Crazy-psycho woman...but an awesome friend. She thinks that she's part gypsy...but I don't know about that. But I don't think I'd ever had my butt slapped so many times until I met her. Don't worry...she does that to everybody...and I mean EVERYBODY. But she's with a really great guy, and I'm happy for both of them.

Elisa, Beth, Tabitha, Brigida, Toni Lyn, Crystal, Krystal, Calvin, Matt, Ashley, Stephanie...and everyone else. Y'all are so awesome! Thanks for everything.

Ryan, the original big white boy, Melissa, the crazy nut, Ashley, the too cute big kid, Melissa M., my buddy and "sister", Katie, well, Katie is just my Katie ;) and last, but not least, Enedelia, my artistic guru: these are MY seniors c/o 2000 :) I love you guys forever, and ever! Keep in touch, and don't ever forget me :)

Then there's this year's seniors...c/o 2001. Amanda, queen of nonsense, moodswings and cheerleaders. Katie, the biggest clown ever...there are no words to describe her...but she's awesome. Angela, the other tall white girl, Blondie. Lauren...soon to be Mrs. Rodriguez or Guttierez or something...I wasn't paying attention. Joanna, my school role model and the queen of patience. Rob, the king of soccer and conceitednedss. Sean, the Big Irish. Omar, my too cool art Bud. Antonio...the biggest goof-ball. And last but not least Jorge...Danyel's favorite senior :) I love you guys! Never forget me!

OK....since I have met a ton of really great other people, and it would take forever to write a paragraph about all of 'em....I am gonna write a name, and a quick sentence. OK? Don't get your feelings hurt, please!! Ya'll are all REALLY SPECIAL.....I am just taking up a ton of room already! Well, here goes!!

Andrew: a really nice guy, has an apparently perfect girlfriend (from what I've heard). He also flies an airplane, is a goon, and owes me a plane ride ;0)

Adam: Is an absolute sweetheart. He plays football, and is awesome at hockey. He knows how to say exactly the right thing...I just wish I knew where he was or how he was doing. I hope you're Ok Babe.

Michaël: An amazingly great guy from the Netherlands, really nice...he's a genius for computers, lots of fun, and a complete sweetheart, and funny

Kevin: Hmmm...what to say? Kevin is an excellent person to talk to. He loves music and helping people. One of the more noble people I know.
