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The Homer File

Dave Hall

/ The Homer File V1.6 \_______________________________________________________
Maintained by Dave Hall (                             |
         ``Ah, sweet pity.  Where would my love life have been without it?''  |
                                                                   - Homer    |

 {Credited is usually given to the first person to point out an observation.}

>>Homer's Age & Weight, SNPP employee records, Driver License, Award trophies
  According to 9F02, Homer is 36 and weights 239 pounds.
  Was up to 260 pounds in [7F18]. {av}

  From Steve Wells (
    According to Matt Groening, he has been up to (and just over),
    263 pounds! (Simpsons Comics #1)

  From Gary S. Nabors (
    The Fall 1991 issue of Simpsons Illustrated lists the following vital
    information on H.S. from his file at the Springfield Nuclear Power
    Plant:  address: 69 Old Plumtree Blvd.
            birth date: 17-23-56 (sic)
            phone (305)-555-1374
            positions at the plant: Dial-watcher class 3 (1979)
                                    Asst. rod-watcher class 3 (1990)
                                    Uranium rod-handler (1991)

  From Glenfiddich (
    According to the information on his driver's license in ``Duffless'':
       DMV Springfield Driver License
       Homer J. Simpson
       742 Evergreen Terrace
       Springfield NT 49007

       Sex: M  Hair: None  Eyes: Blue
       HT: 6'  WT: 240     DOB: 05-12-56
       Expires 05-12-96

  From Aaron Varhola (
    Trophies won (and lost) at his high school reunion in [9F16]
      - Most weight gained
      - most hair lost
      - most improved odour
      - person who travelled the least distance to be here.

   [8F02] Turkey sandwich
   [8F15] stubby fingers
   [8F16]  1. trying to build a doghouse
           2. putting $20 in the church collection plate
           3. missing the last bowling pin
           4. indirectly getting Ned a job in a TV commercial
           5. bees land on top of him and sting him all over. {as}
   [1F04] Homer Simpson {for eating the emergency donut}
   [1F09] magic beans.

>>Simians gags
   [7G01] Lady at the Baby-sitting Service called Homer an ape
   [7G02] Bart referred to him as a balding North American ape
   [7G09] acting like an ape/Big Foot
   [7G10] Burns calls Homer an over-sexed orangutan in heat
   [7F02] old hair tonic in medicine cabinet was 'Gorilla Man' brand {pm}
   [7F05] Bart is stated to have call him one sad ape-like dude
   [7F08] jumping up & down, beating his chest and screeching like an ape
   [7F10] Burns calls him a big ape and wants to buy him off with a banana
          or two
   [7F19] Lisa called him a baboon
   [8F06] `2001: A Space Odyssey' dream sequence
   [8F18] Marge calls Homer a "big ape" {sg}
   [9F04] second story (``KING HOMER'')
   [1F13] his skeletal structure as he walks through the X-ray machine. {mk}
   [1F21] Homer asks Maggie to point to the monkey (on TV) and Maggie points
          to him. {sg}

>>Talking to his brain
   [8F07] Homer's brain uses reverse psychology in getting Homer to use
          reverse psychology on Bart
   [9F12] the interviewer asks Homer why he wants a littler brother. Brain
          tells mouth not to say `revenge', but mouth says it anyway {cs}
   [9F13] tries to figure out what special day he missed
   [9F14] loses track of what his brain says and what his mouth says {cs}
   [9F16] Homer makes a deal with his brain to complete an exam so he can go
          back to killing it with beer
   [1F06] Homer tells his brain to shut-up or he'll stab it with a Q-tip
   [1F06] finds $20 and asks his brain to explain how money can buy lots of
          peanuts {as}
   [1F09] brain says: the girl (Lisa) knows too much (about his plans for
          world domination) {as}
   [1F20] tells his brain that he would have to think up a way of getting
          Marge back. {as}

>>TV idolizing
   [7G04] To save this family, we're gonna have to make the SUPREME sacrifice.
          (Pawning the TV set.) {rjc}
   [7F12] Dear God, just give me one channel!
   [8F10] Don't you ever, ever talk that way about television.
   [8F23] Why did this have to happen during prime time, when TV brightest
          stars come out to shine. {sj}
   [9F03] But then I won't be watching TV, you can see the bind I'm in. {sj}
   [9F03] [Bart: TV sucks!]
          I know you're upset right now, so I'll pretend you didn't say
          that. {rd}
   [9F05] I wish I brought a TV.  Oh God, how I miss TV!
   [9F09] It's not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but
          somehow I managed to fit in eight hours of TV a day.
   [9F14] TV, have you turned on me too? {jpv}
   [1F20] It's those TV networks, Marge.  They won't let me.  One quality
          show after another, each one fresher and more brilliant than the
          last. {rd}

>>Homer's food obsession
   [7F11] Tries everything at the Happy Sumo, including deadly blow fish {tf}
   [7F22] dreams about strangling Burns -- who turns into a tube of `squeezy
          cheese' for his pancakes.  Homer wakes up to finding himself
          eating his pillow {sb}
   [7F23] eating people's leftovers
   [8F06] (unknowingly) eats three year old (ornamental) hot dogs {tf}
   [8F06] drinking straight from the Squishee machine {tf}
   [8F12] setting down to a little football with treats laid around him {tf}
   [8F20] stuffing his face from two trays of wiener dogs {sb}
   [8F21] some of his `best times' in the back-seat of a car -- eating pizza
          and snacks {sb}
   [8F21] Otto describes Homer as having a chicken wing stuck to his face
          for three days {sb}
   [8F22] drooling over food adverts for the 'good morning burger' and a
          sweet snack covered in 'four types of sugar' {sb}
   [8F22] reminisces about eating fries (or some snack) from a bowl on his
          stomach while floating in a kiddie pool {sb}
   [9F01] makes patented `out of this world space age Moon' Waffles
   [9F02] eating a large container of Petroleum jelly
   [9F04] eating the witch's body parts (grapes, spaghetti and pork chops)
          in Halloween game {sb}
   [9F05] dish soap sample
   [9F06] eating seafood; eating 10 pound bag of flour when there was
          nothing else to eat
   [9F09] eating a smorgasbord in bed
   [9F09] eats a plate of food regardless of the bug in it {tf}
   [9F11] his 10 foot (week old) hoagie
   [9F16] eating fancy soap for the bathroom {tt}
   [9F21] Brownies at Emmy party {jac}
   [1F01] eating 64 slices of American cheese {sb}
   [1F04] eating forbidden donut and later his own head {rd}
   [1F06] eating the bubble gum off Bart and Milhouse {st2}
   [1F07] taking a box of donuts into the bathroom; eating a packet of gravy
          mix found in SNPP parking lot
   [1F10] eating rancid meat
   [1F10] eating two buckets of bad prawns {sb}
   [1F10] (unknowingly) eating dirty hot dog {sb}
   [1F14] eating a waffle that was stuck to the ceiling {sb}
   [1F14] the nacho sombrero {certainly one of my favorites - tf}
   [1F16] eating flowers in bathroom. {rd}
   [1F21] eating the decorative letters on Maggie's birthday cake. {rs}

>>Sage Advice
   [7G05] There's nothing wrong with hitting someone when his back is
          turned. {rjc}
   [7F11] The three little sentences that will get you through life:
            1. Cover for me.
            2. Oh, good idea, Boss!
            3. It was like that when I got here.
   [8F07] If stuff starts flying, just turn your head!
   [8F08] You know, if you tip the glass, there won't be so much foam on top.
   [8F19] Marge, it takes two to lie.  One to lie and one to listen.
   [8F13] Its a crock, no matter how good you are there is someone better.
          [Bart then says ``Can't win, don't try''] {sg}
   [8F21] If something's hard to do then it's not worth doing {sg}
   [9F03] [Getting out of jury duty] The trick is to say you're prejudiced
          against all races. {jw}
   [9F05] If something goes wrong...blame the guy who can't speak English.
   [1F15] Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you
          win or lose -- it's how drunk you get.
   [1F16] Kids, you tried your best, and you failed miserably.  The lesson
          is, never try.

>>Boyhood/life long dream
   [9F10] Monorail conductor / run out on a baseball field during a game
   [8F19] manage a beautiful country singer / eat the world's biggest hoagie
   [1F08] blackjack dealer / appear on "The Gong Show" {ddg}

>>Flanders `hate' List
   [9F22] When Chief Wiggum says once a man is in your house you can do what
          you want to him, so Homer calls Flanders and gets ready to punch
          him {as}
   [1F10] He says, ``that life is one defeat after another until you just
          wish Flanders was dead'' {as}
   [1F14] plans to hit Ned over the head with a lead pipe and take his
          football tickets.

>>Signs of Intelligence
   [8F23] Doesn't want to sign anything [paper] until he either read it, or
          somebody gives him the gist of it {jw}
   [9F07] telling the insurance adjuster that Moe's (Tavern) is a
          pornography shop so he can get his insurance money from wrecking
          the car
   [9F10] realizes he could get killed by slipping on a bar of soap.

>>Correcting Bart or Lisa {rd}
   [7G05] Bart, you're saying butt-kisser like it's a bad thing. {rjc}
   [7G11] [Bart: Dad, you're giving in to mob mentality.]
          No I'm not, I'm hopping on the bandwagon! {rjc}
   [9F19] "two wrongs make a right, Lisa" {ddg}
   [1F15] Lisa, a guy who's got lots of ivory is less likely to hurt
          Stampy than a guy whose ivory supplies are low.

>>Praying/Invocations {rjc}
   [MG07] Good drink, good meat, good God, let's eat! {rjc}
   [7G01] Lord help me, I'm just not that bright. {rjc}
   [7G04] Dear Lord, thank You for this microwave bounty... [etc] {rjc}
   [7F02] Dear God, give a bald guy a break {ddg}
   [7F07] And Lord, we are especially thankful for nuclear power...[etc] {rjc}
   [7F18] As God as my witness, I'll always be hungry again! {rjc}
   [1F22] In the inner tube during the "production number" in the pool {ddg}

>>Beer quotes
   [7G03] Beer.  Now there's a temporary solution.
   [7F10] Ah, good old trustworthy beer.  My love for you will never die.
   [8F11] There's only one can of beer left and it's Bart's!
   [8F16] Maybe it's the beer talking, Marge, but you got a butt that won't
          quit. They got those big chewy pretzels here  five
          dollars?!  Get outta here!
   [8F16] (after Marge buys him a six-pack of Duff bottles along with SLH's
          new doghouse)  Beer!  How did you know?! {ddg}
   [9F06] [Beer] They smell good, they look good, you'd step over your own
          mother just to get one!
   [9F14] I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer.
   [9F17] Ah beer, my one weakness.  My Achilles heel if you will.

   [7G03] Stole Bart's piggy bank to buy beer
   [7F05] buys some absurdly low priced tubs of beer at the baseball game {tf}
   [8F21] drinking years old Billy Beer found in old concert-going jacket {sb}
   [9F14] hiding beer in the toilet cistern {sb}
   [9F14] ate the soil under the stadium bleachers

   [7F06] the 1812 Overture {jac}
   [7F11] butchering "When the saints go marching in"/"Over there" {jac}
   [7F12] Steve Miller's "The Joker" {jac}
   [8F11] butchering "We're gonna take this truckin' convoy..." {jac}
   [8F14] butchering lullaby/"May your Christmas days be bright" {jac}
   [8F19] Lurleen's song "No one understands you, but I do" {jac}
   [8F21] "There was a little Spanish Flea" {jac}
   [9F02] "Hey there, Blimpy boy......" tune {jw}
   [9F07] "Mr. Plow" jingle {jac}
   [9F08] "Girls just wanna have fun" {jac}
   [9F14] circus music as he flexes his imaginary muscles in the mirror {jac}
   [9F14] "When I was 17" {jac}
   [9F14] "Raindrops keep falling on my head" (with Marge) {jac}
   [9F21] Much of episode (barbershop quartet): {jac}
          - "Ragtime gal"
          - "My Coney Island baby"
          - "There was nothing in Al Capone's vault"
          - "Baby on Board, something something Burt Ward"
          - "Baby on board"
          - "Surgeon general song"
   [9F22] "Three little maids" from "The Mikado" {jac}
   [1F07] butchering "Oh Mandy" ("Oh Mindy") {jac}
   [1F07] "Oh Margie" {jac}
   [1F10] "The Kwik-E-Mart is real...D'Oh!" {jac}
   [1F13] "Oh, those Golden Grahams" {jac}
   [1F14] Eddie Money's "Two Tickets to Paradise" {jac}
   [1F19] Meow mix commercial {jac}
   [1F21] jazz duet with Abe {jac}

>>Misc titbits
   [8F01] couldn't touch his own nose
   [8F15] didn't know Bart's birthday
   [9F09] when he dies, Homer wants to be stuffed and put on the couch as a
          reminder for Marge about their marital vows
   [9F09] stated to have visited Hell
   [misc] often writes fist-like.

>>Mmmmmm Count
   [7G04] Marshmallows {jac}
   [7G12] Chocolate/double chocolate/triple chocolate {jac}
   [7F14] Macamadamia [sic] nuts (Cookie Collossus store) {jac}
   [7F20] Horse doovers (at house party) {jac}
   [7F22] Pancakes (has pancakes for breakfast) {rjc}
   [7F23] Barbecue (watches the Flanderses' cookout) {rjc}
   [7F24] Pancakes (has pancakes for breakfast at the asylum) {rjc}
   [8F01] Money (drools on the money printing press) {rjc}
   [8F02] Spaghetti (Mr. Burns' head attached) {jac}
   [8F02] Sprinkles (RoboHomer) {jac}
   [8F04] Purple (checking out the donut flavours) {jac}
   [8F06] Beer {as}
   [8F06] Beer (next to King Toot's music store) {jac}
   [8F06] Salty (swipes a beef jerky from the Kwik-E-Mart) {rjc}
   [8F09] The land of chocolate {as}
   [8F09] Snouts (seeing SLH's food) {jac}
   [8F11] Chocolate (thrice) (Neapolitan ice cream) {rjc}
   [8F12]?Crumbled-up cookie things (imagines ice cream){rjc}
   [8F13]?Crumbled-up cookie things (describing sundae to Lisa) {jac}
   [8F13] Potato chips (pretending to listen to Mr. Burns) {jac}
   [8F13] Donuts (sees donuts being delivered) {rjc}
   [8F13] Potato chips (imagines chowing down on chips) {rjc}
   [8F14] Strained peas (tasting Maggie's food) {jac}
   [8F17] Snouts {as}
   [8F22] Delicious (snarfing jam straight from the jar) {jac}
   [9F01] Fattening (eating moon waffle[tm]) {jac}
   [9F03] Burgher (chief justice of the supreme court) {jac}
   [9F08] Hog fat (outside rendering plant) {jac}
   [9F09] Ham (ghostly Homer) {jac}
   [9F17] Beer
   [1F01] Sixty-four slices of American cheese (at kitchen table) {jac}
   [1F03] Invisible cola (sees vending machine) {jac}
   [1F03] Candy (sees vending machine) {jac}
   [1F03] Convenient (imagining vending machines stuck on his arms) {jac}
   [1F04] Forbidden donut (dreamily, at refrigerator) {jac}
   [1F04] Business deal (Burns buys blood bank) {jac}
   [1F06] Free goo (Bart and Milhouse are covered with gum) {jac}
   [1F07] Foot-long chilli dog (with Mindy) {jac}
   [1F13] Mediciney (drinking water from ball-floating test) {jac}
   [1F14] Sacrilegious (waffle from roof) {jac}
   [1F15] Elephant-fresh (bird grooms him) {jac}
   [1F15] Caramel (Lisa and Bart stuck to him with tar) {jac}

Suggestive sections are welcomed}
>> Contributors
 sb - Steve Birrell (
jac - James A. Cherry (
rjc - Raymond Chen (
 rd - Rick Diamant (
 tf - Ted Frank (
ddg - Don Del Grande (
 sg - Suresh Goel (
 sj - Stuart Jackson (
 vj - Vaughn Jett (
 mk - Matt Keary (
 el - Ellis Lee (
 pm - Peter Mitchell (mpeter@bmerh534)
 as - Andrew Shaw (
 cs - Colin Smith (
 rs - Robert Seidel (rseidel@mondrian.CSUFresno.EDU)
 st - Scott Tyack (
 st2- Steve Birrell (
 tt - Tim Tweedale (
 av - Aaron Varhola (
jpv - John Paul Vergara (
 jw - James Watkins (jrwatkin@socs.uts.EDU.AU)
             {Contributors & Corrections are greatly welcomed.}