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Nolan Habegger
302 Coach Lamp Lane
Houston, TX 77060-4306
(281) 591-8893

Click here to download my resume' in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format (PDF).


A new media management position that will apply and enhance my existing skills in conjunction with continued professional development. Seeking a stable organization that promotes teamwork, encourages creativity and supports the education and growth of its employees.


Four years of supervisory experience. Seven years of technical documentation planning, design and production. Two years of web site design and development. One year of computer-based training design and development. Nine years of internal and external customer service. Excellent oral and written communication skills. [TOP]


Reduced the time to market for seventeen repair and maintenance manuals consisting of over 4,000 pages from six weeks to one day. The use of recordable compact discs (CD-R) and intranet technology decreased maintenance documentation production and distribution costs from $300 to $18 (an approximate 1700% savings).

Created and maintained a department intranet site used as a development benchmark by other domestic and international departments.

Improved internal customer relations by developing and emphasizing a standard documentation service delivery process. Raised production quality through the establishment of style standards and checking procedures.. [TOP]


Team Leadership

Representing department vision and purpose in cross-functional meetings. Negotiating production deadlines based on available resources and company priorities. Coordinating production personnel to meet established deadlines. Collaborative liaison between authors and end users.

Providing superiors with innovative, effective solutions to problems of cost, quality, and reliability. Communicating company, department, and personal vision to co-workers. Defining roles and responsibilities based on individual passion, skills, and temperament. Establishing an environment of positive team accountability through individual ownership. Demonstrating desired results. Emphasizing strength of character over personality.

Print Publishing

Coordinating production, revision, and worldwide distribution of print documentation. Completing documentation project cost analysis. Evaluating documentation requests to ensure they conform to company goals and objectives. Creation and implementation of document plans, corporate style guides, illustration guidelines and production specifications for technical manuals, procedures, forms and reports. Data gathering through research and subject matter expert interviews. Writing, editing, and illustrating assembly and test procedures. Design and application of interdepartmental document revision processes. Moderate prepress preparation. Document distribution and archival.


Developing and maintaining web sites based on the end userĂ­s needs. Writing, editing and illustrating content for sites. Online sites as distribution vehicles. Advanced hypertext markup language (HTML) programming utilizing forms, site maps, animated GIFs, sounds, search engines and other interactive elements. Basic understanding of common gateway interface (CGI) programming and open database connectivity (ODBC). Publishing of multiple use documents (word processing, HTML, and portable document format (PDF).

CD Publishing

Supervising production, revision, and worldwide distribution of electronic documentation using this medium. Creating interactive catalogs and manuals that incorporate sound and video. Designing functional and aesthetic user interfaces. Computer-based training development (story boards, production methods and scoring). [TOP]


12/95 to Present

Technical Writer and Web Site Developer
Sperry Sun Drilling Services, a Dresser Company, Houston, Texas

Responsible for creating, revising, and distributing maintenance documentation. Designed and maintained the text, graphics, and functions of department intranet site, including online manuals, course catalog, class schedules, and department information. Produced CD labels, cover artwork and data masters. Collaborated with CD replication vendors to establish turnkey production processes. Coordinated writers, illustrators and programmers to achieve desired results.

11/91 to 12/95

Senior Graphics Clerk
Sperry Sun Drilling Services, a Dresser Company

Wrote, edited, and revised engineering procedures, specifications, manuals, and forms. Produced complex isometric illustrations from AutoCAD drawings. Collaborated with engineers and technicians to ensure clear and concise information.

3/90 to 11/91

Domestic and International Customer Service Agent
Continental Airlines, Cargo Division

Researched and produced a manpower report which increased operational staffing. Developed standardized quality assurance reports used by upper management. Assisted customers in reserving and tracing cargo shipments. Participated in both individual and team projects. Wrote data summaries for cargo tonnage and for time frame of delivery to meet standards.

11/88 to 3/90

Site Shift Manager
ABM Security Services, Conoco World Headquarters, Houston, Texas

Supervised a six-man contract security team in a sixteen building office complex. Coordinated first response to all fire, medical and safety-related emergencies. Assisted in the establishing of site policies and procedures. Produced manuals outlining safety and security information for departmental use. Developed outline and course material to be implemented as on-site training. Responsible for producing reports detailing emergency and security incidents. [TOP].



Macintosh OS and Windows 95
Adobe Acrobat 3.0, FrameMaker 5.0, PageMaker 6.0 and Photoshop 4.0, Macromedia FreeHand 7.0, Extreme 3D, and Xres, Microsoft Office95, SchedulePlus, and FrontPage, Allen Communications Quest Authoring, Internet Explorer 3.2


Macintosh and IBM Clones
Power Macintosh, CD-R/CD-RW Recorders, Iomega ZIP/JAZ Drives, Intel Pentium, HP Laserjet Printers, SyQuest 44/88/2000. [TOP]


5/96 to Present

Liberty Christian College
B.A. in Progress, Major: Christian Ministry


Husband to Dielle, father to Joshua, 6; Isaiah, 3; and Esther, 2. Enjoy family outings, hiking, reading, journal writing and cooking. Active church lay leader and teacher. Interests include apologetics, philosphy, science, and individual enrichment through temperament analysis and passion assessments. [TOP]

Visit the Habegger Family Web Site.